MINI(ish) REVIEWS: I Wish You All The Best, Teen Titans: Raven, & Don’t Date Rosa Santos

Mini revies are back in action from this book princess right here. And like, they actually all positive?? WHO IS THIS?? Is it me, Mandy? Probably an imposter. We’ll see.

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Title: Don’t Date Rosa Santos
Author: Nina Moreno
Pages: 336
Release Date: May 14 2019
Publisher: Disney-Hyperion
Format: Audiobook
Genre: Contemporary
Goodreads Rating:  4.04 (of 784 ratings)
Trigger warning: death, absentee parent / Rep: Cuban American MC, bisexual MC

This is one of those books that just instantly brings an overwhelming amount of summer feels. This book is bursting with light, and it instantly transports you to a balmy summer town filled with a welcoming and lively community, heat – both the literal and figurative kind, and both heartbreak and hope. This book was such a burst of energy and vibrancy, and I enjoyed it overall.

The biggest thing that I loved was the community. Port Coral is a small, fun community where everyone knows everyone and everything. I loved the nosy viejitos, the grumpy Gladys, and more. Mimi reminded me a bit of my grandmother, and I loved Rosa so much. It’s so easy to connect with her, and I loved reading all of her journeys. Ugh, her and Alex were so so so adorable too. I loved being in this town, and it honestly put the magic in this magical realism book. The writing and setting were so wonderful at all.

I did have an issue a bit with the pacing. While I really enjoyed, my investment dwindled a bit at the end of the book. I didn’t feel as connected, but by the end, it had picked up a bit again. I just kept thinking that it should have ended by then? I also didn’t feel as connected with characters at time.

arielOverall, this was a wonderful contemporary that not only brings all the summer vibes but an adorable romance and so many feels. However, an Ariel rating because it got a little choppy with that pacing, but Ariel will gladly take a dip in Port Coral. Definitely put it on your tbr if you are looking for a super fun, lively, and emotional summer read!

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Title: Teen Titans: Raven
Author: Kami Garcia, Gabriel Picolo
Pages: n/a
Release Date: July 2, 2019
Publisher: DC Ink
Format: ebook
Genre: Graphic Novel
Goodreads Rating:  3.96 (of 1,323 ratings)
Trigger warning: death (of parent), homophobia, bullying  / Rep: African American side characters (family), lesbian side couple

While I didn’t have the best experience with Mera: Tidebreaker and my tired brain doesn’t remember much about Raven from the hot second I watched Teen Titans: Go!, I decided to give this a go. Kami Garcia paid amazing homage to my love, Fox Mulder, so I had some faith she would do Raven right. While I can’t speak to the authenticity of the character, I will say that it was a pretty good read!

The art was amazing. I definitely have to get the DC Ink novellas so so so much props on the art. The artwork was stunning. It was interesting with the color choices since much of it was just a few key colors. However, everything was so beautiful, and I loved every second in the art. I totally basked in it.

The characters were pretty good. I enjoyed them overall. I never really connected, but I enjoyed. The storyline was pretty solid, and I enjoyed the twists and turns. It varied between an every day contemporary story and the superhero origin story. It got a bit cheesy/cliche at the end, and it just felt very predictable. But it didn’t completely deter me from fully enjoying the novel as whole.

arielOverall, a enjoyable, good read that had amazing art and a good story for DC Comics Lite fans like this casual girl – but wasn’t great due to the disconnect and the cliche end. An Ariel rating.


Title: I Wish You All The Best
Author: Mason Deaver
Pages: 516
Release Date: May 14 2019
Publisher: Push
Format: Audiobook
Genre: Contemporary
Goodreads Rating:  4.24 (of 3,178 ratings)
Trigger warning: panic attacks, anxiety, depression, parental abuse, transphobia, homophobia and misgendering / Rep: non-binary MC, bisexual love interest, black love interest, Muslim side character, Asian American side character

Wow. This book. Omigosh, it’s a heavy but amazing book. There are a lot of triggers for this book, but wow. It’s emotional, beautifully written, and even had an adorable romance – all of which had me BASKING in my feels. Deaver wrote a book that made me rage but also gave me such hope.

The characters were fantastic. While not all of them were quite as defined, that was okay because they were wonderful side characters. Ben was amazing. There were so many layers to them, and you can’t help but root for them in anything that they do. I loved reading Ben’s voice, and you go through so many ups and downs with them. Ugh, and Nathannnnnnnn. Nathan was an amazing friend and love interest. He didn’t try to change Ben but instead just wanted to be there for them and see that they were happy. The romance was so sweet and such a wonderful slow burn – which it rightfully was since there were many other things going on that this allowed for the time and cuteness it deserved.

This is a very character driven novel but does have some action. We are taken through Ben’s life after rejection from their parents after coming out as non-binary. Events happen, but it’s about the mental and emotional journey that Ben takes. All of the emotional hurdles are the true shining stars and plot points in this book, and it showcase a light on mental health and body image. All of it was very well done, and I saw some of my own struggles highlighted in the page along with Ben.

The writing was good. Deaver is certainly a powerful writing. The pacing is a bit slower since it is character driven, but it’s a good slow burn that it was fine with me. I super super recommend listening to the audiobook, because it transported the novel to a whole new level as well.

AuroraOverall, this was a wonderful that had me SO in the feels and SO impressed with Deaver’s debut novel. While it’s heavy with emotions, it also brought so much joy and happiness. This easily became a favorite – and a Sleeping Beauty rating because all the aspects really worked so well in harmony.

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What do you think? Have you read any of these? What did you think? Let’s discuss in the comments below!


18 thoughts on “MINI(ish) REVIEWS: I Wish You All The Best, Teen Titans: Raven, & Don’t Date Rosa Santos

  1. Sounds like some overall solid reading! We have been on the same wavelength for a bit here haven’t we? I just finished Teen Titans Raven as well! While I agree there was a bit of disconnect, without a doubt, this is the best graphic novel that the new DC imprints have put out thus far. The art is almost all of them is top notch but the stories have been lacking (at least in my opinion) so I am hoping that it will only go up from here! Granted, I feel as though superhero stories are generally cliche so maybe that is what’s throwing me off? Either way. I liked it and it looked like you did too :]

    I have deff been seeing nothing but good things about I Wish You All the Best. I may have to pick up a copy at the library. It sounds great :]

    Great reviews, as always :]

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ahahaha we have! I saw you enjoyed Raven on Goodreads and I was like omg another book we are mind melding on. But the artwork has certainly be killer but this was the first story that I felt had substance and intrigue. I’ve got my fingers crossed the next one is super great too!! But I do agree that there is some cliche to them all in general.

      And yessssss it is such a great book. Definitely a heavy emotional read but so brilliantly done.

      Thank you!!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m so happy you loved I Wish You All the Best!!! I felt the exact same way. Sometimes books that make me rage but also give me hope, as you said, are exactly what I need. Even though it was tough to read about all the ways that Ben was mistreated, it ultimately leaves you with a hopeful feeling. I’m glad you’ve been finding some books that you’ve enjoyed! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I’ve only read Teen Titans: Raven, but I really want to read I Wish You All the Best! With Raven, I really enjoyed the art, but I felt like the plot wasn’t so engaging? I think it might be because it’s an origin story, and I feel like those have been a bit overdone. Great review!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ahahaha you got quite a million things going on so I think you are off the hook for the moment 😉 but you’re going to love it, I feel, despite some major contemporary feels. But there is some fluff and drama!!
      Thank you!! And hopefully you enjoy!!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Don’t Date Rosa Santos is on my TBR for this month! Hopefully, I’ll get to it before summer ends, but I’m a bit behind on my reading schedule … Everyone has been saying wonderful things about it! I can’t wait to pick it up!

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