After posting a list of 10+ holiday book tags, the only logical next move would be to do some! I’m a huge fan of the Grinch (I own two copies of the book, several plushies, and the movie even though it’s on Disney+). Hence my first choice being The Grinch Book Tag! This tag was created by Thoughts on Tomes, so thank you for your hard work!

Half the Lights on the Christmas Tree are Burnt Out
// name a book/series/character that started out good but then went downhill \\

my review || this book has the best premise. retelling of Henry VIII from the lens of super feminist Annie Marck? but i rapidly found my expectations were not met … until the grande finale ending, which entirely blew my mind. can this be a book that started out good but went downhill but went good again?

Annoying Great Aunt Sally Who Will Not Leave You Alone
// name a book you didn’t enjoy, but everyone else seems to love so it never goes away \\

i haven’t actually read The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo, so i can’t say i didn’t enjoy it. but i twisted this prompt a little. at the same time T7HoEH came out, I was reading and in love with The Seven 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle. and i could get no ONE to check out my book because they were already obsessed with T7HoEH (and convinced that was what i was talking about). ahh.

Your Pets Keep Knocking Over the Christmas Decorations
// name a character that kept messing things up for everyone else \\

my review || daisy was a huge mess. she messed up everything for those around her and herself (mostly herself) with her pessimism and selfishness. just. so. messy.

You Can Hear Your Parents Putting out the Presents and Learn Santa isn’t Real
// name a book you were spoiled for \\

my review || by the time i got to this book, THE QUEEN OF NOTHING was already out and everyone was talking about it. major spoilers. thankfully, i have a short memory.

It’s Freezing Outside
// name a main character you just couldn’t connect with \\

my review || main characters Mira and Josse were both majorly flawed, but Josse especially just did not make the cut for me. every decision he made had me wanting to shake him like, “whyyyyyy?”

Mariah Carey’s “All I Want for Christmas” and it’s Giving You Anti-Romantic Feelings
// name a couple you couldn’t stand \\

my review || i struggle a lot with romance. like, i’m notorious for it (according to me). if the romance makes sense, i’m fine, but Ariel and his LI in YAFP had no chemistry. considering this book hinged on their relationship, i was really let down with this one.

That Scratchy Homemade Wool Sweater You Got for Christmas Years Ago but Won’t Get Rid of
// show some books that have been sitting on your shelves for a while \\

when i moved out to the city, i brought all the books i had yet to read with me. which is surprisingly a total of only twenty-two. sadly, a small tbr has not done me any favours. it’s been two years and i conquered a mere two books. *shame*

Grandma Got Runover by a Reindeer
// name a character death you are still mad about \\

that character’s death felt like the ending of all hope for the protagonist and her family. i even got chills during the scene, kind of sensing what was coming. ugh, did not love that moment.

The Malls are Overly Crowded with Holiday Shoppers
// name a series that has too many books in it/went on too long \\

i was actually a fan of these books when i was a wee youngling, but my tastes waned and my wallet started to cry after book seven.

The Grinch
// name a main character you HATE \\

my review || if my eyes could roll all the way back into my head they would have done so while reading this book. Kylene was an extreme mary sue-slash-white saviour. her behaviour was ignorant and obnoxious, but the author wrote her as someone who should be lauded. nope.

I tag

Debjani | Becky | Sam | Mehsi | Dini | Malka

but if you want to do this tag, consider yourself tagged! also, if you don’t like being tagged, just let me know!

❄️ How would you answer these prompts?
❄️ Have you read any of these books?
❄️ Do you agree/disagree with any of my answers?

… let’s discuss!

8 thoughts on “The Grinch || HOLIDAY BOOK TAG

  1. Ooh, tea but also I feel like I’m gonna have fun doing this while struggling to answer some prompts at the same time! 😂 I’ve also got Where Dreams Descend on my TBR and I remember being so excited for it to release and yet it still sits untouched… Oops! I hope you enjoy it though if you do pick it up. Thanks so much for the tag, Sha! 😍

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Ohh, I love this tag! Such grinchy fun~ Thank you so much for tagging me! All full up for December, but I will definitely be doing this in January. Maybe a bit late, but I want to do this one!
    Love reading your answers, hope you enjoy Caraval, it was a fun book~

    Liked by 1 person

  3. omg i loved reading your answers to this tag! i am in LOVE with all of stephanie garber’s books (and as much as i love caraval, her spinoff series once upon a broken heart is def my favorite). also THANK YOU the 7 and 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle is such a fantastic, unique book (and i refuse to believe that 7 husbands is better or even as good haha).


  4. I watched The Grinch in theaters and absolutely loved it! So I’m really happy that you tagged me for this one! Although given the fact that it’s now April when I’m finally responding to the tag, chances are low that I’ll actually give my responses to the tag anytime in the near future. My salty reviews will just have to suffice!


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