July Wrap-Up / August TBR

Julyyyyyyyyyy. I don't know what this month was. It felt super fast but also super slow? It doesn't feel like it should be the end because it didn't feel like July period. Anyway, enough about my deep and boring thoughts about July. Let's get to what matters: the books, the books, and...okay, probably more books … Continue reading July Wrap-Up / August TBR

July Wrap-Up / August…TBR?

Oh, July. Lol. I kind of tried with you? No, I'm actually really surprised that I actually crossed a few books off my TBR, because I think during the first week of the month, I made a pact with myself that I was going to literally forget that I had set a TBR and go, … Continue reading July Wrap-Up / August…TBR?