#POLL: Bookstagram or Book Twitter?

It all comes down to this, y’all. Where do your truest passions lay in the book social media universe?


instagram GIF
either way that book love is off the charts


📷 amazing book pics
📷 fun polls, Q&As, book info easily accessible in Insta Stories
📷 creativity: explore filters, colours, set-up
📷 dabble in video making w/out committing to a YouTube


🐦 a lot of engagement
🐦 easy access to pubs, agents, authors
🐦  build a community & find readers like you

Cast your vote below!


22 thoughts on “#POLL: Bookstagram or Book Twitter?

    1. Don’t use Twitter from preference, then, or Chana had dibs? Because I know I volunteered to take over Twitter when Mandy said she didn’t enjoy — and I was more than happy to let her do all the Insta work. The split works perfectly for us, since we both landed with our prefered platforms.


  1. Book Twitter is umm… not a healthy place… most of the time, but I still love it. I think I often forget about the actually posting pictures part of Bookstagram, so I’m going with Book Twitter.

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    1. Agreed. I have great conversations on book Twitter, which is why it’s my preferred of the two, but it has also caused my mental health to dip several times. I want to say “I try to be careful of who I follow” and leave it there, but Twitter’s algorithm also highlights posts liked by users you follow so there’s really no way to have an entirely “clean” feed. It’s still a better way to interact than Bookstagram, so I give it points.

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  2. This is so great minds meeting! I posed this same question in my Weekly Wrap up post!! I actually love both for different reasons. On Twitter you can also personally message those you mutually follow. Instagram is just so satisfying because your feed is all you. ❤️

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  3. If I really had to pick, I would probably pick bookstagram. The drama and honestly toxic attitudes on twitter can make difficult but I have met some nice people there. I do struggle with bookstagram a lot but just keep swimming lol :p

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    1. Twitter really does highlight the worst in people, doesn’t it? I find myself muting quite a few people, but I do appreciate how easy the platform makes it to see what others are doing/reading, etc. The bookstagram struggle is real though! Keep on swimming!!

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