The Princesses Read: Disney Princess Sidekicks Book Tag

disney princess sidekicks tag

Hello, hello, hello! As you can see, there is no princess up there today! I’ve failed two weeks in a row to get a princess up here, which is due to my blogging slump that is striking back with a vegenance. Instead of the Revenge of the Sith, we’re having Revenge of the Overwhelmed Book Princess. Since I felt all my princess creativity dying out, I thought I would bring to you today a little something that I’ve been working on for months since Zuky and I brainstormed the New Disney Princess Book Tag. I thought, wouldn’t it be fun to showcase some of the great sidekicks that help out our brilliant princesses? I couldn’t seem to find one, so I figured…why not make one myself? We’re talking First Original Book Tag Created by just the Book Princess Herself. Can I get a woooooooooo?

No rules, no epic graphics! Instead, just book princess fun! If you would like to link back to me, that would be cool beans, since I love seeing all the princess epicness and I mean, you’ll get an automatic like for me BECAUSE I’M FOREVER GRACIOUS THAT YOU COPIED AND PASTED ALL OF THIS AND DIDN’T CURSE ME OUT. 😉

Shall we begin?

Mushu from Mulan/Olaf + Sven from Frozen

The Comic Relief – Name your favorite hilarious character or your favorite comedy/funny book

Of course, I have to include my favorite funny man of all time, Captain Carswell Thorne. That man never fails to crack me up. And he’s sooooo dreamy. Oh sigh. Dan from The Summer I Became a Nerd is pretty spectacular as well. His side comments kill me, and I know I’m going to giggle or at least mind-giggle anytime he shows up.

the seven dwarfs

The Seven Dwarfs from Snow White

Favorite Group/Ensemble


Is there any other group out there that is worthy of favorite status beside SOC? They’re so amazing and fun and adorable and kickbutt. Seriously so kickbutt. Their dynamic is amazing, and I love each one of the characters in the group dearly. How often does that happen?


Pascal from Tangled

The loyal cheerleader chameleon (not a frog, Flynn Rider) – Name a book that started out one way but changed for you


ACOTAR! I actually wrote this long detailed review of all the reasons why I was DNFing and how I was so disappointed in it. It was just sooooooo slow and boring in the first part, and how do you deal with the fact that you’re supposed to ship this one person with another when that other person is not supposed to be with then in the end? However, thanks to the lovely book blogging community, I tried it again and found that right after I DNF’d, it got sooooooo much better and it ended up with a 3 crown review. Who would have thought?


Meeko from Pocahontas

Pocahontas’s sly and sneaky raccoon friend – Name a plot twist that you did not see coming


Red Queen! I SO didn’t see that big twist coming. I can usually call many of the twists that appear in most mysteries, but I did not see the abrupt change that came in this one. It totally bruised my calling-twists ego.

Rajah from Aladdin / Flounder from The Little Mermaid

Gentle with their princess but protective with everyone else – Name your favorite best friend in a novel


I have a lot of favorite best friends, but I’m going to with one that I just read recently: Gimble and Phoebe from Agent of Chaos. I loved Gimble. He was constantly trying to force everyone to love D and D with him and his reactions with his dad was so endearing. Loved him dearly, and goodness, I wish he had his book to reappear in.

Louis from The Princess and the Frog / Sebastian from The Little Mermaid / Cogsworth, Lumiere, Mrs. Potts, & Chip from Beauty and the Beast

The Musical Bunch – Name a novel where music played a big part or made you want to sing its praises


Chasing Eveline by Leslie Hauser! This is one of the few music novels that I really, really enjoyed. Most of the time, it’s so hard to capture music in the form of words, but this story did it PERFECTLY. It’s like I could hear the music in the words and I thought that was just amazinggggg.


Maximus from Tangled

The obstacle in Flynn Rider’s way – Name a character that faces a lot of obstacles

This question was an obstacle for me, since all of my answers went straight out of my head. Oops. And yes, I really did create this tag. XD I’m going to say any of the ladies in the My Unfair Godmother series. Once they solve one problem, another one crops up thanks to their fair godmother. XD

meridas bros

Hamish, Hubert, & Harris from Brave

Favorite family dynamics in a novel

the hate u give

The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas! The family dynamics were amazingggggg. So realistic, so much fun, so powerful. They added so much to the story, and I loved each of them dearly.

Ray from The Princess and the Frog / 3 Fairies from Sleeping Beauty

The Advice Givers – Book that most impacted your life


Bad Romance by Heather Demetrios! Wow, I knew this book was going to be powerful, but I didn’t think that it would play with my emotions so much. I felt physically sick and angry about the things that happened in this book (which is how the author wants you to feel since it is an in-depth look at an abusive relationship). Still gives me the chills.

hei hei

Hei Hei from Moana

Name a character that steals the show

Douglas from the Jackaby series by William Ritter. He’s a duck. Literally a duck. But he’s somehow one of my favorite characters of the entire series. I just sit there sometimes when reading the series going, I wonder what Douglas is doing. Is Douglas okay? It’s strange, but I just love the little former-assistant-turned-duck.

gus and jaq

Gus & Jaq from Cinderella

Opposites Attract – Name your favorite or worst opposite attracts pairing

*cough, Cresswell, cough, cough* Clearly a favorite. ❤

Tag…you’re it?

As always, I just tagged people that I know enjoy tags or I’ve had lots of conversations about Disney with. If you don’t like doing tags or don’t have time (because you’re forever behind like me)/don’t want to do it, that’s fine by me! 🙂 Also, if you’re looking for some new blogs to follow, please click on all of these below. They are alllllllllll amazing!

Rendz @ Reading With Rendz / Kyera @ Kyera’s Library / Sydney @ Sydney’s Shelves / Birdie @ Birdie Bookworm / Kate @ meltingpotsandothercalamities / Eva @ Brilliantly Bookish / Sarah @ The Clever Reader / Alaina @ An Infinite Book World / Syndey @ Fire and Rain Books / icebreaker694 / Clara @ The Book Goddess / Yesha @ Books Teacups and Reviews / Em @ Keystroke Blog / Ryann the Reader / Laura @ The Book Corps / Emma @ A Dreamer’s Library / Krysti @ YA and Wine (seriously no pressure since we discussed tags in the past XD) / Moira @ For The Lover of Books / Darque Dreamer Reads

…anddddddddddd I’m going to stop. I know I forgot a ton of people up there (and some I didn’t put up since I know how behind they are on tags), but I’m at the point where book 2 of the X files series is calling me and I’ve totally run out of book steam. Even if you’re not up there, please, please join in the Disney fun and you’ll get me making some sort of fangirling response on your post. XD

*all of the Disney pictures were taken from Google – they belong to Disney, not me! :)*

109 thoughts on “The Princesses Read: Disney Princess Sidekicks Book Tag

    1. Thanks so much, Kristin!!

      YES. I was so invested in it going one way and then that happened. I honestly was surprised by how well it was executed but also how plausible it was as well.


  1. This tag is so adorable!!! The twist in Red Queen was crazy right?! I was so surprised. Actually the twist at the end of the second book surprised me too….
    Thanks so much for tagging me!!! I can’t wait to think up some answers!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Yay! This is such an awesome tag!! Thanks for tagging me!

    I honestly don’t know if I’ve read about a group of characters I love more than the So of Crows crew! They’re all so awesome!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Love it!! It’ll be so much fun honoring those sidekicks who are just as much fun as their main character! I’ve already thought of a few books. Thanks for tagging me!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. This is such a fun tag! I absolutely love this idea!!! Sidekicks definitely deserve more attention, and you’ve listed some of my favorites here for sure! Thanks so much for tagging me, lovely! <3<3<3

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much, Krysti!! That’s what I was thinking too! The princesses get all the credit and their poor little sidekicks. I know you’re super behind with them and how long they take, but sidekicks were rather awesome XD Plus another excuse to show off YA and WIne. XD

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Loved this! Thank you so much for tagging me. This is so creative and I can’t wait to to do it! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Thorne!! ❤ ❤ You're right, he's one of the best comic reliefs ever! He was genuinely funny and didn't feel like he was trying to hard to come off that way, which was awesome. I hate when authors don't know how to write comic reliefs (Inko, unfortunately, was a bit of a miss for me at first but she got better and now I kind of adore her dorkiness).
    I'm so glad you enjoyed ACOTAR in the end! I'm keeping it in mind for when I try it: "keep going, just keep going until there's awesomeness" XD (what would we do without our epic blog community?)
    It's always lovely to see your favorites in tags ❤ Also, they remind me to try the darn books already xD
    Congrats on such an amazing tag, Mandy! I love it! ❤ ❤ ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. YES. I super agree. I feel like sometimes authors try to force characters to be funny and it ends up being so not funny at all. He had those pure, funny relief moments.

      Ahahahaha yes, that should be a good plan. It really is like the first 130 pages before it got to decentness. But so very true. I’m not sure how I read beforehand. I didn’t know there were wonderful secrets before it.

      Ahahaaha. And thanks so much, Sophie!!! ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Omg thanks for tagging me Mandy!!! This tag is so awesome and I can’t wait to do it 😀
    Also I am going to read Jackaby now only because there’s a duck in it. 😘

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes! Douglas is the best!! He’s never uttered a word but still so much fun. And kind of? You learn a bit more about how and why he turned into a duck, but perhaps not as much as we wanted to know? And oooooh, yes please XD

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Thank you for tagging me!! It looks like an amazing tag and there’s so much Disney fun! Can’t wait.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yayyyyyy! ❤ Can't wait to see your answers. 🙂 And hmmmm…that is a toughie. I think probably Mushu or Olaf. Funny is always on top for me. XD But I do love Pascal and Louis as well. Who is your favorite?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yes!
        Oh, yes! I forgot to email you back, but yes, I got it open and even finished it already. I should have the review up sometime next week once I get my review inspiration back. 😉 but it was really good!! 😀

        Liked by 1 person

  9. Oohhhhhhhh Mandy this is wonderful!!!! The perfect equivalent to a Princess reads!!! The Disney-nerd in you never stops buzzing with fabulous ideas such as these, does it? 😉 I’m so excited to do this!! *realizes I still haven’t done the new Disney princess tag yet either 😬* I will get to both very soon hopefully!!!!!! So much wonder in a single post I’m in awe!!!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ahahahaahaha. *realizes that I didn’t realize Rendz hadn’t done it either so oops* But thanks so much, Rendz!! Disney provides a lot of glorious inspiration. XD Can’t wait to see both of your answers. 😉

      Liked by 1 person

  10. This is a really cool idea/tag! I’ll have to try doing this down the line. But your commentary about “Bad Romance” is so true. The “I owed him” scenes made me sick to my stomach.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Hi! I love tags like this. I think I need to check out The Summer I Became a Nerd! And thanks for giving Chasing Eveline a shout-out. That’s pretty much amazeballs with a side of awesome sauce. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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