Norse Mythology Book Tag


I’m still forever behind on tags. Literally, I’m just going to put that as part of my description. “Hello! I’m Mandy from Book Princess Reviews and I’m forever behind on tags.” But you’re going to be seeing a lot more of me getting my butt on them since I, you know, I have ones all the way back from March. *looks around innocently*

I’m super excited, though, to bring you a tag created by the wonderful, Kyera over at Kyera’s Library. If you haven’t been over to her blog and followed her yet, I really don’t know you might have missed her in your book blog life. 😉 She is so incredibly sweet, has so many fantastic reviews, totally gets the true fandom life (and has some epic series going on for them), and has great bookish fun. I’m so excited to bring you her own tag today!

The Rules:

  • Link back to my original post on Kyera’s Library so I can see all your answers! (Be sure to do this via pingback, I don’t get notified if you just tag my URL)
  • Thank the person(s) who tagged you… show the community some love!
  • Obviously, come up with your wonderful answers!
  • Don’t forget to tag others to keep the tag going!


Odin is the All-Father, the leader of the Norse Gods. He is the god of wisdom, poetry, battle, death, wine, and war, among other things.

Fun fact, but a lot of my favorites are standalones. I’ve discovered in a the past year or so that I’m apparently not much of a series kind of gal. Maybe because I hate waiting? Anyway, my favorites shelf is a mess, but I’ll go with 3 standalones that were added to my favorites shelf this year: Geekerella, One of Us Is Lying, and Eliza and Her Monsters.


Thor is the god of thunder, weather, warriors, strength, and storms, so his might packs a punch. He is married to the beautiful Lady Sif.


Ugh, basically any contemporary book hits me so hard in the feels. Right now, Winter by Marissa Meyer is hitting me sooooooooooooooo hard. My poor lovely babies are going through so many struggles. I just want to hug them all. SO MUCH LOVE. SO MANY SWOONS. SO. MANY. FEELS.


Loki is the god of mischief, thieves and thrives on chaos.


I’m not much of a Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard fan, but I will give credit when credit is due: I so didn’t see that one thing coming. I mean, I was SO blind to it. And maybe that’s why I totally haven’t gotten up the energy to read the second book. I was super betrayed, and I haven’t gotten bookish over it.


Frigg is Odin’s wife, the goddess of love, marriage, fertility, and fate.


*looks around innocently* Cress…Cresswell?


Heimdall is the god of loyalty, faithfulness and he is who protects the bi-frost, the bridge that connects all nine worlds.

Oh, Kyera, it’s like you just want me to talk about TLC more and more. I actually used to hate a TON of second books in the series. I used to call it the dread sequel sickness, but in truth, second books are getting so much better now. Some of my favorite second books are: Scarlet, Gemina, and ACOMAF.


Baldur is the beloved son of Odin and Frigg, twin brother of Hodor.

…Thorne. ❤ ❤ ❤ Can we just change this tag to be called, Mandy fangirls about TLC? XD


Lady Sif is known for her beautiful golden tresses, although she is also the goddess of the harvest and is married to Thor.


One of my favorites this year is Saints and Misfits. It just pleases me so very much! It’s a good thing the inside matched the inside as well!


Frey is the Lord of weather, god of light, summer, master of agriculture, fertility, and brother of Freya.

…okay, I’m not going to use TLC yet again even though I kind of totally want to. The Unfair Godmother series totally rocks my boat and I always have a huge smile on my face anytime I read them.


Freya is the goddess of love and beauty, fertility, war, wealth and growth, and sister of Frey.

I really love the settings of Simone St. James novels. It’s haunting and intriguing and cool. Not sure I want to live in this time period, but I will forever dive into this setting of World War 1 and 2 with ghosties.


Tyr is the god of war

Ummmmmmmmmmm. Huh. I apparently don’t read many books with giant epic fight scenes, because I’m super drawing a blank. I’m not sure if it’s me or not me, but I actually find fight scenes in books really boring. I feel like a fight scene needs to be visual and I have a hard time picturing it in a book.


Uller is the god of death, winter, archery and hunting.


This. This. This. No spoilers, but you know who.


Njord is the god of the wind and the sea.


Daughter of the Pirate King by Tricia Levenseller. Not entirely sure if this was a journey, but it was a journey of sorts. And basically I just want to push this at more people. Loved, loved, loved this book, and Alosa certainly goes on an epic journey mentally, emotionally, physically.


The Valkyries, much like the Amazons, are strong female warriors.

See above with Alosa. 😉


The Aesir and the Vanir are the two groups of Norse gods, believed to be the old and new gods.

I’m stealing Kyera’s answer of the SOC crew. They were so amazing together and they totally kicked some major butt.


Seipyrts is Odin’s trusty eight legged steed, yes you heard that correctly – eight legs.  I promise that he is the god’s horse companion and not a giant spider that he rides around on… although that would probably strike more fear in the hearts of his enemies than a pretty horse does.


I just finished Hunted by Meagan Spooner and her trusted doggie, Doe-Eyes was so cute and adorable and omg.

Tag…you’re it (but I mean, only if you’re feeling it too – if not sorry, but you know, shout-out??)

Kate @ meltingpotsandothercalamities / Sophie @ Blame Chocolate (so sorry if you’re still super behind XD) / Sydney @ Sydney’s Shelves / Harini @ Books and Readers / Aria @ Snow White Hates Apples (IS THAT NOT ONE OF THE GREATEST BLOG NAMES EVER?) / Birdie @ Birdie Bookworm / Kathy @ Books & Munches (not sure if you’re into tags or not but figured I would try) /

If you’re into tags, please let me know, because I’ve got a lot of fun tags coming up and I don’t want to keep forcing the same people to have pingbacks over and over again and I totally forget who super enjoy tags. 😉

What do you think? What are some of your answers for these? What mythology do you love to read about? Let’s discuss in the comments below!

70 thoughts on “Norse Mythology Book Tag

    1. Ahahaha, thank you so much! They totally pushed me back into my Disney obsession, because they were seriously so cute that I couldn’t handle them and just needed all the Disney cuteness. Before books drained my bank account, they totally did. XD
      And yessssssss. IT IS SO HARD BUT I LOVE IT?

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  1. NORSE MYTHOLOGY YEEEEEEEES. Thanks so much for the tag!! ❤❤❤ I’ll do this one as soon as I finish reading and reviewing a proper book (I should just write that I’m forever behind on reviews in my description) 😂 Also, I’ve been pushing a lot of major YA books aside for some time now but holy smokes, your love for TLC makes me feel like I should jump into that bandwagon NOW 😍 And since I’ve yet to read Six of Crows too…SOMEBODY DIES?! WHAT! NO, I MUST READ THAT BOOK BEFORE I ACCIDENTALLY SPOIL MYSELF OMFGWHKP WHY DO I DO THIS TO MYSELF.

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    1. Ahahahahaa. Yes! XD I forced myself to cross that description off a few weeks ago. XD But YESSSSSSSSSSS. It really doesn’t have a super strong YA vibe, but it is just so intriguing and done SO well. Plus, you know, there is a Snow White retelling in there. 😉 And OH NO. No, no, no spoilers. STAY AWAY FROM THEM AND THEN READ IT. XD

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      1. UHUK, Snow White retelling! I’m now completely won over, gonna go buy the first book asap! And yes, I’LL STAY AWAY FROM THE SPOILERS. Goodness, I need to learn to read faster 😱😱😱


    1. Ahahaha OH NO. D: It becomes a lifestyle after a while. No worries if not. 😉
      And yes! For the pingback, all you have to do is just highlight whatever you want to use as your link (here I did Kyera’s Library) and then you hit the link/insert link at the top of the page. For it to be a pingback, you have to pick a particular post (if you use the plain site like for it to actually pingback for some odd reason. And that’s how people get the little alert in their WordPress notifications. XD It took me forever to figure it out.

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      1. Haha! I’m trying to keep track of them but some of them are so similar.. Different name but same concept of “answer 11 questions and think of 11 questions”. Then I’m like.. But I just answered 11?! Ooooh well, I’ll see how I fit them in. And when. And if.. Haha!

        YOU’RE AN ANGEL. At least now I’ll be sure to do it right, haha! Thankyouthankyouthankyou!

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      2. Ahahahahaha. Omigosh YES. I hate those 11 questions one. I’m just like…but can’t I just answer like 5? 5 sounds reasonable? But yes! XD

        Ahahaha you’re welcome!! ❤ I accidentally saw someone break it down once and it's been a blog saver ever since. XD

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  2. Oh Doe-Eyes. Totally understand putting TLC for everything. I had to force myself to write options for most of my answers so that I wouldn’t have the same two or three series for everything. But thank you for doing this! 💜

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    1. She was the sweetest. ❤ And YESSSSSS. I'm like, Kyera will probably roll her eyes at me if I do her tag and everything is TLC. But super smart. I'm so going to have to do it. And absolutely! ❤ Thanks so much for tagging me!

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  3. Love all your choices concerning The Lunar Chronicles. I’m curious, do you have a favorite part of Winter? Because that book killed me and I think you understand. The part in the menagerie where Winter thinks Jacin is gong to kill her is my favorite….I was on the edge of my seat IT HURT SO GOOD.

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    1. Thanks so much!! And oh gosh, I have a lot. XD I feel like that has all of my favorite scenes from the series. Since I’m so deep into Cresswell, the two major scenes for them is probably my favorite. However, I don’t know if this is super morbid, but one of my favorite scenes is the big fight scene with Levana where she is controlling them all against Cinder. I was like, omigosh, this is it. Someone’s going to die, and you just feel the emotion from all of them. To see them all like that was just so many feels.
      But omigosh yessssssssssssss. When I first read it, I literally sat there and went, OMG. He’s actually going to do it. THEY TRICKED ME. It was so, so good.

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      1. I adoooore Cresswell, I loved them in the last book. I loved their argument in the hallway of the palace so much. And I loved that last scene with Levana! *spoilers for anyone reading who hasn’t read Winter* I was so afraid Levana was going to manipulate one of them into killing the other, that would have been SO TERRIBLE (but the really morbid part of me also thinks it would be been so good?? glad it didn’t happen though). My favorite thing about Levana was the way she used them all against each other to assert her power, and yet that was ultimately her downfall because she didn’t understand true love and loyalty. And because like, OBVIOUSLY Jacin wasn’t going to do it….but even I was manipulated into believing he would.

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      2. Omigosh yesssssssssssssss. That hallway scene was just so much fun and feely. My fangirling went SO high when that hits, and I’m counting down until the audiobook gets there.

        BUT YES. I SO agree. I did think that someone probably should have died to make it realistic, but also not because they’re all my little babies. I was really scared that it was going to be Wolf or Scarlet. And the moment they walked, I was like NO. NO. But I never thought about it that way, but you’re SO right.

        And lol, she definitely killed it with tension in that one.

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      3. (SPOILERS!!)
        I was so sure Wolf was going to get it and my heart was already breaking, especially after all that he and Scarlet had gone though. But I also appreciated the happy ending because sometimes I just need all my kids to come out of it alive. Scarlet and Wolf also reminded me of Nina and Matthias from Six of Crows and I was glad I didn’t have to go through that all over again. I have to say though, I think I would have been most heartbroken if Cress or Thorne died, especially Cress. They’re too sweet. All that manipulation with guns and knives had me SO STRESSED.

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      4. (MORE SPOILERS)
        YESSSSSSSSSSSS. I super agree. I figured it was going to be him or Scarlet, but mostly him. But omigosh, you’re SO right. I totally see Nina and Matthias in them. But oh gosh, yeah, I can’t imagine going through that pain again. And yessssssss, I can’t imagine if one of them had gotten even more hurt. I would have been so crushed. Foreverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

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  4. Love all the princess figurines making an appearance! This is a fun tag! Loved reading your answers too. Happy to see DOTPK made the list, and I totally agree that the Saints and Misfits cover is AMAZING!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ahahaha, I finally figured figurines and books equal easy props. XD So i’m going with it. And thanks so much, Krysti!! ❤ DOTPK is going for top book on the list year so far. Honestly, thank you for pushing me so hard to read it. XD And yesssssssssssss. SO gorgeous.

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      1. Awh, thankies! XD They were my obsessions before book buying came around so I have quite a few lying around. XD YES. I would be counting down the days but 2018 is far away and I’m not so good with counting. XD

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      2. That definitely makes sense! That’s awesome that you have so many. They are absolutely adorable. It’s funny how far away it is still. We have so many 2017 books left to read!

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  5. Thanks so much for the tag. I actually love getting tagged, even if takes me a bit to get them out. I keep a list and post one every sunday. 🙂

    I’ve never heard of the Simone St. James series, but they really look intriguing. I’m going to have to check those out.

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    1. Oooh yay! I knew you had a system down, but I didn’t realize it was every Sunday. It’s a good way to get to them all. 😀

      And yesssss. They’re super good. St. James does such a good job with keeping the same creepy setting, but not make them too similar.


  6. I love your pictures!!! They are so cute.
    Also I don’t blame you for your overuse of TLC… I blame Marissa Meyer for writing books that just happen to fit all these prompts!!
    Great post!

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  7. Tag should be renamed “Norse mythology/ Mandy (and soon enough Rendz) associate every subheading with a TLC reference because that is what we do with all tags tag” A mouthful but the truth! Awesome answers Mandy, I couldn’t agree more!!! I can’t wait to try this out myself although I will admit to stealing many of your answers 😂😂

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  8. That’s the best tag of this year officially ! I mean , norse mythology ? Oh my god , but I’m in love with anything norse ! And those pictures ! They’re the best part . And then there’s hunted ! Tell me you loved that book as much as I did ❤ ❤

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    1. Yesssssssssssssssss. Kyera did such a great job with this. I know a bit about Norse mythology, but I so need to get in more with it. This made me so intrigued by it. And thankies for the pictures. XD And yessssssssssss. IT WAS SOOOOO GOOD. I kept seeing four stars and I didn’t think I would enjoy it so much, but it was REALLY good. Totally one of the best retellings I’ve ever read.

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  9. Aaaww this tag is pure magic, Mandy! Your love for TLC… Girl, I can totally relate ❤ ❤ (Wolflet before Cresswell, though 😛 )
    And yes, ALOSA! ❤ So much love for that chick. Oh, and Geekerella was so cute too! I can't wait to try Eliza and her Monsters (and One of Us is Lying as well).
    Great post, Mandy! And thank you so much for tagging me ^^ Don't feel bad because I'm totally behind on tags too D: #bookbloggerstruggles

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    1. Ahahahaha, yessssssssssssss. ❤ And lol, Wolflet is my second so I feel you. They are truly amazing. Who is your second favorite ship from there, Sophie?
      And yesssssssss. I truly think you will super enjoy both of them!! 🙂
      Ahahahaha. That will just be part of our taglines, right? Welcome to book blogging: your life is about to be forever being behind on tags. XD

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      1. Hmm, I really don’t know! I wasn’t a big fan of Cresswell, to be honest ^^’ (SORRY) I loved them both individually but I’m still not sure about them as a pairing xD Sometimes I think they’re cute, sometimes I’m just not into it… Hmm.
        I didn’t care much for Wincir, either. But one pairing that did grow on me was Kaider. So I’d say Kaider hahaha
        And yeah, totally! LOL

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      2. Ahahaha awh, sadness, but that’s okay. XD I can see, though.
        And yeah, I agree about Wincir. I’m super not a fan although I love Winter dearly. And YES. I will admit that they totally didn’t have that much of an impact for me at first, but they soooooooo grew. But good to know where you stand on all TLC pairings. XD


  10. Thanks for tagging me! This looks so creative and unique, and like so much fun too!
    I loved One of Us is Lying as a stand alone too! Though I wouldn’t mind a short story spin off of sorts, this is a book where no sequel is necessary.
    And NOOO, someone dies in Crooked Kingdom?? (Has just finished Six of Crows and has become ridiculously attached to the characters) I’m so scared!!

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    1. Yes! ❤ It was a lot of fun. 😀
      I definitely agree – I think that it could be good with a spin off story of sorts but I'm also good with it being done. It will be interesting to see what she does.
      NO NO NO. So sorry. D: But yes, the attachment is so real. D: D: D:

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      1. A small novella or short story published on her site would provide closure for such a good book. I would just like to see how everyone’s doing in the future, and what their life is like without murder being involved.
        And I know, I have to read it…I just have to brace myself now.

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  11. I really love the idea! I’m writing some sort of study at the moment for school and I’m comparing the Norse Mythology with Lord of the Rings and Game of Thrones, so I instantly wanted to know what this here is about and I absolutely love it!

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      1. As I chose the topic I didn’t think that it actually could be that hard and exhausting and I was so wrong :’D but it’s okay, I mean I like the literature and it’s really interesting searching for stuff Tolkien and Martin could have copied ^^

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