The Book Princess and Her…Audiobooks?

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Tiana is all for this. While she’s working in her restaurant, she could listen to some epic books as well.




I’ve heard the positives and negatives of audiobooks, and despite the wonderful Krysti @ YA and Wine who is forever telling me that I should get in on the audiobooks train because they are amazing. I kept pushing it off, though, because I mean, how can they compare to the words on a page, the beauty of physical books? Plus, how will I not end up wildly distracted with my attention span?

After talking with my friend, though, the night before and how much she actually really enjoyed them, I decided to take the plunge. I downloaded one from my local library, got it on my phone, set it down and went about my business…and am totally into it.

Like, totalllllllllllllllllllllly into it. I could do so many things. And read a book. Take a walk, water some flowers, go for a drive (okay, maybe not because driving is far too distracting on its own), etc. ALL WHILE I AM READING A BOOK.

And it’s working out pretty well. I will admit that I got a bit distracted in the second that I tried, but I mean, I tried blogging and listening at the same time, which is a total struggle. XD But for the most part, I found myself enjoying the story much like I would. I mean, I still had so many feels when reading Winter like I would have if I was physically reading it.

I tried The Selection by Kiera Cass so far, and I’m currently in the middle of Winter by Marissa Meyer. I find that having the right narrator is super key – I am apparently just as picky as writing style.

Now, obviously, physical books will always be my jam, but I have to admit that I’m enthralled with this idea. I can do it when I normally would be settling for something else or…silence. :O

So, what do you think? Have you tried audiobooks before – are you a fan or not so much? What are some of your favorites? How important is a narrator? Are you part of Audible and should I hurry up and get into it? XD Please, let’s discuss in the comments below because I’m super interested to see your audiobooks thoughts!

64 thoughts on “The Book Princess and Her…Audiobooks?

  1. I love audiobooks!!! I listen to them during car rides, and before I go to sleep. But when I’m going to sleep I have to keep it on a 10 minute timer so if I fall asleep while listening (which happens every time) I only have to search for my spot in a 10 minute window instead of searching through the whole book!
    Hard copy books are still my favorite, but like you said: when the narrator is great, it’s hard to beat a good audiobook!!

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  2. OH MY GOD. The first audiobook I listened to was Six of Crows. Now, I’ll be honest, I haven’t listened to many audiobooks since BUT I’m pretty sure there is no audiobook that can top that one. There are SIX narrators, each one reads a certain character’s chapter. AND IT WAS SO FRIGGIN GOOD. They were so talented. Like, I think Inej’s narrator was my favorite. When she wants to quote Kaz she’d change her voice to one that’s pretty raspy and OH MY GOD it was so much fun to listen to. And when she wanted to quote Tante Heleen she’d change her voice into something pretty evil and, well, ‘Tante Heleen’ish 😂 I still haven’t managed to juggle listening to audiobooks and doing something else (which is probably the main reason audiobooks were created, lol 😂) since I get really distracted, and u know how it is with fantasy novels; you can’t get distracted or else you’ll ruin the whole experience. But I sometimes listen to the audiobook while silently reading along (it’s proven to be very effective in my case) or just lying in bed. But I seriously recommend listening to the Six of Crows audiobook. I know you’ve read the book, but it’s definitely worth it. Wonderful post, Mandy! 😍💕

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    1. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh THAT SOUNDS AMAZING, NADWA. I NEED TO GET ON THAT ONE SUPER FAST. :O I’m already dying with the raspy voice. XD And I so know what you mean about fantasy books. I can’t imagine zoning out for a second and totally missing just a ton of things. XD But I’ll so be adding SOC to the very top of the list! ❤ Thanks, Nadwa!! ❤


  3. I’m just as picky as you are about narrators. Audiobooks can be very hit or miss for me and can totally influence whether you end up enjoying a book or not.

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      1. The U.S. version of the Harry Potter series is narrated by Jim Dale and I used to listen to those all the time when I was home from school for the summer.

        I make my mom read series I like, but she listens to audiobooks. She didn’t like the narrator of Throne of Glass, found her annoying and every phrase apparently sounded like Celaena was angry even if she was saying someone looked nice. She really liked Six of Crows though. It was cool because they had a whole cast, so each character’s chapter was narrated by a different person. I’m not sure how she felt about the Ember narrator, but she loved the series so I’ll have to ask her.

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      2. Ooooooooooh. That might be a way for me to finally join in on the HP fun. 😉 I saw there were some super cool people that narrated the Mortal Instruments (like Sophie Turner from Game of Thrones and Ed Westwick from Gossip Girl so I might be a fan yet XD)

        Ooooh okay, skipping that and totally adding SOC. 😀 Those would totally be cool though, to do. 😀

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      3. Yes! I saw that too because I requested Clockwork Angel for my mom a few weeks ago and just got the notification that it was available to check out. I may have to listen to it to see if they’re good.

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  4. I haven’t tried far. As English is not my mother language I think I would.not be able to drive and listen. I did vote to choose the narrator’s voice of The Queen and the Cure though and I agree with you when the voice is the perfect match it is fantastic!

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    1. Ahhhhhh yes, I could imagine that would definitely be a hard to drive and listen at the same time – especially with how distracting driving is already. But yes! With the right voice, it makes all the difference!

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  5. It’s a very unpopular opinion but… I don’t like audiobooks😅. I’ve tried a few of them and I understand why people love them, but I’m the kind of person who can’t stop thinking about a million things while listening to something and found that I wasn’t paying them enough attention, haha. I want to give them a second chance, though. But for now I just stick to physical or digital books!

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    1. Yes! I can totally see that. I found that I did zone out a few times, and right now, I’m doing a reread so I’ll be intrigued to see how I do with a book where I’m learning about new stuff because I’m a bit scared I’ll have that issue too. XD But yes! Physical and digital will work perfectly as well! XD

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  6. I haven’t started audiobooks for the same reason you were apprehensive! I’m worried I’ll get distracted listening to it and zone out. Also, I don’t process things as well while listening vs when I read it, so I’m worried I’ll forget plot points or character’s names or something like that. But the idea of being able to read a book while going on a long car ride without getting naseous or maybe even reading while doing homework sounds pretty good!

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    1. Yes! I did find myself doing it occasionally, but I think starting off with books that you have read before helps and kind of not doing things that requires a lot of thinking helps. XD But yes, that would be so good for both of them! Especially that car ride!

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  7. Hahahaha!!!! YES!!!! 🙌🙌🙌 I am so excited right now! Audiobooks are the best! I am completely obsessed. I love reading physical books too, of course, but there’s just no way I’d get through so many books without them! Yay!!!! Oh my goodness. You’re going to have to keep me posted on what you’re listening to and how you like it!

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    1. Yessssssssssssssssss. YOU WERE SO RIGHT, KRYSTI. I’m just obsessed at the moment. I downloaded a ton off this Overdrive thing, and I might have gotten a bit too deep since I haven’t even finished my second one. But yes, I’ll have to get your most favorite ones, so I can add them to the list to listen to them first. 😀 Thank you for talking me into it. XD

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      1. Yayayaya!!! I’m so excited. I’ve actually never used Overdrive. Tell me about it. Do you need to have a library subscription for it, or how does it work? I’ve heard people talking about it, but I’m usually an Audible devotee, which I ADORE, but Audible is expensive. And you are so welcome! YAY!

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      2. It is really, really nice, Krysti! The only thing that you need is a library card and when you get your library card, they will give you a PIN. All you do is enter those two things in and it will give you access to all your library’s books that they have on file for you to borrow (ebooks and audiobooks). I had about 5 pages of different YA options, and all it does is download to my phone and I believe it works just like how Audible would with the rest of it. You have usually two weeks to “read” them and then the files will disappear off your device (phone or iPad or whatever device). It’s a free way to get them. I use my library card, which allows me access to all of the free titels they have on hand, but there might be a way to use it by creating an Overdrive account.

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      3. Soon…I don’t have a library card. I haven’t used a library since I was about 4. *hides face* So do you have to go to a library to get one? I don’t know anything about a library. But this sounds amazing! I am really excited to try it out!

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      4. To tell the truth, I’m not entirely sure if it’s different from state to state, but I really don’t think it should be. Anyway, basically, all you do is go to the city library, show them your ID to make sure you live in the city, and you might have to pay like a 1.00 to get it set up? And then you get a library card and every year you will just renew (no fee) and you can check out as many books as you like physically. But you should also get access to your library’s local (should be a cluster of libraries or just that libraries’) online database (which is usually Overdrive). There it includes a database of ebooks and also audiobooks. It’s really great and you can usually check out the books for 3 – 4 weeks. Overdrive, I think, is two weeks. It’s so nice, though, because it’s all free.

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      5. That sounds perfect!! I am totally going to do this. I don’t think my city has a library, but maybe one of the neighboring city libraries will let me sign out through them. Hopefully!

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      6. Yes, I know they do occasionally especially if your own city doesn’t have one. I know, too, sometimes if they’re buddy libraries and such or they have the same district, you can hit multiple libraries and do some closer if you need. But I really hope. Keep me updated!!

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  8. I like audiobooks, but I agree with you about being picky about the narrator. But they’re fun to listen to while driving, or doing something that allows you to focus on it! I like taking walks with an audiobook playing in my ears. My biggest pet peeve though is if I’m listening to a book I’ve already read and they pronounce a name differently than how I said it in my head- whether I was pronouncing it correctly or not, lol. Orrr if they give a character a weird voice. I’ve listened to some of The Lunar Chronicles and like the narrator, but I hate how she voices Dr. Erland! But since you’re listening to Winter you can avoid that 😉

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    1. Omigosh, yes. XD I’ve noticed that they’re totally throwing me off with Winter with saying things that I totally had pronounced differently in my head. But I can imagine how that would surely miss with me. But oooh I’ll have to go back and see how she voices him in the prior books just to see how weird it is. I will admit that I love how she voices Levana. It gives me super Evil Queen vibes from it.

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      1. Ahahahaha oh, gosh, I don’t know what to do with that. I can’t imagine that would be good. But yes! I love it. It’s everything I always pictured Levana to be. XD Iko’s voice is kind of intriguing. Far more high pitched.

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    1. Oooooh, that’s actually a brilliant idea, Birdie. I was a bit afraid of trying to start books that I hadn’t read before and retaining info, but I love the idea of doing the rereads that way. 😀 Thank you for that great idea. XD


  9. I’ve only ever tried it once but it didn’t work out (Rendz has a horrible attention span! Even when she’s reading physical books!!!) I’m glad it worked out for you though! Maybe I’ll give it another try in the future!! Have fun with WINTER!!

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    1. Ahahahaha oh no, Rendz! Bad Rendz’s attention span – YOU MUST LET HER READ. And yes, maybe in the future…when the TBR is conquered. Although I will admit that the Winter audiobook is bringing on the feels. ❤

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  10. I have tried it once and ended up.. Remembering nothing of what I heard. It’s not even like I was doing something while listening, or should I say “listening”. It’s more like.. I zoned out every time and started thinking about other stuff. Before I knew it, it was “The end” and I sat there like.. Okay, I didn’t get anything of that story. Maybe I should just buy the book and read it.
    So.. Don’t think I’ll be trying it again, haha! It seriously felt like a waste of my time afterwards. Which is a pity..

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    1. Ahahahaha oh no! I do find myself doing that as well, and it’s like, what’s the point? But yeah, with nothing retaining, totally not worth it and might as well read it physically. Pity indeed it didn’t work out for you, though! 🙂

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  11. I know the feeling. I don’t usually listen to audiobooks but since I have to travel to work via bus, and the journey takes me around an hour, I started listening to them, too. And it’s better than expected! I’d never choose them over their physical brothers and sisters but when I have to get from point A to point B, they are very welcome! 😁

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    1. Oh wow, yeah, that would totally be the perfect way to pass the time! But yes, you totally summed it up perfectly! Psychical is always the best, but certain times, audiobooks work out perfectly! 😀


  12. I LOVE audiobooks! I listen to them at work which helps get through the work week and helps knock some titles off my TBR. I don’t have a problem keeping up, I have a problem stopping and going home a lot of times but I only listen to them at work. I listen through Overdrive and check out books through the virtual library so I’m not having to spend a lot of money on a subscription to Audible. Your library might have one too!

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  13. OMG MANDY WHY ARE WE LITERALLY THE SAME PERSON?!!!?!! I was always super sceptical about audiobooks and I never cared enough to actually try them out! But I’ve noticed that they were pretty popular in the book community so I just HAD to try them out… AND I’M IN LOVE. LITERALLY. I can do things like clean or do my make-up WHILE READING A BOOK? AT THE SAME TIME??? It’s the coolest thing EVER and I totally get why everyone loves them now XD

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      1. Exactly!!! You get me XD I’m in the middle of The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue! It’s the first audiobook I’ve tried (I only got audible like two weeks ago lol) but it’s SO GOOD. I am SOOO obsessed with it and the narrator is brilliant! I think I read somewhere that he’s the guy who played Tom Riddle in Chamber of Secrets! Which is quite cool XD

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      2. Ahhhhhhhhhh that’s amazing. I feel like that is such a fun book to start with and with a narrator like that it’s even more fun. *furiously adds to the audiobook TBR which is now a thing*

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  14. They definitely serve a purpose. I listen to them while working out mostly. But depending on the book I will listen while driving. I actually read short stories and put them on my blog so it’s a good way to hear my own narration and improve. Also as a learning tool or right at bedtime. Yeah, they definitely serve a purpose. I’m with you on the beauty of the physical book though too. From the printed word to the smell of the pages, and the feel of the book itself. Great stuff!


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