Fierce Fangirl Friday: Sailor Moon Pt. 2/Sense8 Update


Fierce Fangirl Fridays are put on by the wonderful and lovely Jackie @ Too Much of a Booknerd. If you’re not following her already, seriously, go do it, because she’s amazing. Now, what is Fierce Fangirl Fridays? Basically, it’s where you fangirl/boy over anything – that’s right, each week you pick a different thing you’re fangirling about the moment and JUST RUN FREE WITH THE FEELS. Only rule? Just pingback to her post here! It’s so easy that it hurts. 😄

This week I will be fangirling about…


sailor moon

It’s been a week since our last Fierce Fangirl Friday, and yes, I’m still fangirling about Sailor Moon. I’m just calling it my new lifestyle now – a constant state of fangirling about Sailor Moon, Sailor Scouts, adorable kitties, and of course, Tuxedo Mask. I’m stuck, gals and guys, and I DON’T EVEN CARE.

So, what has happened since the last time I fangirled about Sailor Moon? I sent two nights in a Sailor Moon manga spiral and knocked out five volumes (until I disastrously ran out of them since my second boxed set had yet to arrive) AND I WAS LEFT IN A SERIOUS STATE OF D:

It was my birthday this week as well, and my lovely parents indulged my newfound state of eternal Moon fangirling and bought me a lovely dress, socks, and t-shirt of my new obsession (oh, Hot Topic, how I love thee). I’m very much trying to convince myself that no, it is not acceptable nor practical to wear them all at the same time. BUT THEY ARE JUST SO CUTE. AND NOW I REALLY NEED A LUNA PURSE TO MATCH.


BUT I CAN SEE MY BABIES. FOR FREE. *forever screaming*

*still screaming*

*stops screaming so she can hurry up and finish this post so she can actually have time to go watch an episode or two*

Apparently, it’s really hard to actually get the Americanized version from the 90s, but the ones that they are producing now (the Crystal version and the one from a few years ago reboot) are much more original manga – which is still epic. They aren’t “Serena” and “Darien” here, but if you’re looking for the glorious Sailor Moon in action, these are the shows for you. I’ve watched about three so far, and I have so many heart eyes.

If you are interested, here is the website (I’m not sure if it’s good for international audiences, but it is good for America for sure) – it does require you to watch a few ads, but it has subbed and dubbed versions of the two different animes.

ALSO…my second boxed set has just arrived and a new spiral is about to begin. ❤

Update: if you remember from a while back, I posted about how much I loved Sense8 and how devastated I was it was canceled, but just this week, it was announced that Netflix will be reviving it for a two hour finale that will answer and wrap everything up. I AM BACK TO CRYING BECAUSE THIS IS JUST AMAZING. SO MANY HAPPY TEARS. I CAN HAVE RESOLUTION. I CAN SEE WHAT WILL MY BELOVED WOLFIE WILL BECOME. OMG. THIS IS ONE FABULOUS FIERCE FANGIRL FRIDAY (so many f’s there).

Okay, now I’m done.

What are you fangirling/fanboying about this week? Are you as pumped as I am about these updates? Are you off to watch Sailor Moon too??? Let’s discuss in the comments below!

28 thoughts on “Fierce Fangirl Friday: Sailor Moon Pt. 2/Sense8 Update

  1. YAYAY FOR MORE SAILOR MOON FANGIRLING! I am so tempted to go watch every season now too! I’m sure my sisters would gladly join me! Happy (belated?) Birthday! I hope it was great and full of awesomeness! And yay for a Sense8 revival! I hope it gives you the resolution you deserve!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Okay I need to find you the website I was watching because I had the choice of it being dubbed or subbed, and definitely watched the American/DIC Serena version. I’m traveling home all day tomorrow, but when I eventually wake up on Sunday I shall do my best to remember and look for it!

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    1. AHHHHHHHHHHHHH. That’s amazing. I couldn’t find it, but I think I just got so excited to find this that I gave up. XD But YAYYYYYYYYYYYY for being home soon, Kyera! And I’m wishing you the best and speediest time adjustment!

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      1. Okay, I swear that was where I watched by the page isn’t loading for me, but I also have bookmarked.

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      2. Terrible because I didn’t get in until around 3 am so now my sleep cycle is all out of wack. But it’ll get back to normal eventually. My mom just told me that she was going to help me pay for the bookcases I want! So I’m super excited to start finding things for the guest room to basically turn it into my library and recording space.

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      3. Oh noooooooo. Eeks. So that desperately throws things completely out of sync. But yes, eventually it will happen and you’ll be back! And ahhhhhhhhhhhhh THAT. IS. AMAZING, KYERA. I’m literally soooo excited for you. 😀 😀 😀 I can’t wait to see the final product since I know you’ll do something amazing. ❤

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      4. My mom sketched out the dimensions of the room and started planning how many bookcases could fit along the wall. I found a really pretty desk chair at TJ Maxx. It’s so exciting! It might take a month or two to get everything sorted, but I’ll definitely post a picture! (Or more!)

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      5. Oooooooh that’s perfect!!! So you can start going on it pretty quickly (at least looking around that is). And oooh TJ Maxx has the best stuff, so that will be perfect. But yesssssssss. SO EXCITED FOR YOU AND THIS.

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  3. Sailor Moon!!! It’s still one my favorite animes of all time and brings so many memories… I definitely need to re-watch it and catch up to Crystal!
    You might remember those cat purses/backpacks from my Loot Crate post? I think you’d love those even more now that you’re such a fangirl! I know I would ❤ Sigh, so much awesome merch, so little money XD
    Everyone was raving about Sense8 when it first came out but I never got to watch it! Is it really that awesome? What's the fuss all about? I WANT TO KNOW!
    Lovely post, Mandy!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. YES YES. Sophie. The graphics on Crystal really is stunning, too. SO pretty.
      Omigosh, I DO. I totally forgot about that until now. *is trying to convince self I don’t need to go out and buy it immediately* But you have captured the fandom struggle perfectly.
      But it really was soooooooo good. It took me a few episodes to get into the complexity of it, but the characters were so much love and the plot was really intense and interesting. The ships were soooooooo cute, too! ❤
      Thankies, Sophie!

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