Calendar Girls: Best High Fantasy


Well, another month has gone by, and I seriously don’t know where it has gone. Do you think I misplaced it somewhere? But since March has left us, it’s time for Calendar Girls to be back in action, and I’m super excited to bring you a new one…even though I realize just how unprepared I was for the topic this month. D:

First, let’s discuss a little bit about what Calendar Girls is…and trust me, it’s not just for Girls!

Calendar Girls is hosted by bloggers, Flavia the Bibliophile and Melanie Noell Bernard – both have amazing blogs full of fun, bookish posts. Calendar Girls is a brand new monthly blog event inspired by Neil Sedaka’s 1961 song Calendar Girl. Just like in the song, we decided to use a specific them for each month and choose a book based on these themes! The event is meant to incite discussions with other bloggers about books we’ve read and loved, is meant to help bloggers meet other bloggers, and also for bloggers and readers to find out about blogs which they normally may not have come across! Want to know more? Click on the links above! And it’s not too late to jump on the Calendar Girl train (and it’s not just for girls)! Join now!

This month the topic was the best High Fantasy book…and let me just tell you, I didn’t realize how much I didn’t know about high fantasy. I was like…is there a low fantasy? What does high mean?? So, a handy Google search gave me a wonderful definition and then another lovely Google search gave me some options of YA High Fantasy. I was like, Yay, you got this now…until I realized that the ones on the list were not any I actually read or had really enjoyed. Sooooo…I was back to square one, until somehow a choice popped into my head and I was running with it.

Without further ado (I mean, no more long rambling paragraphs when you just want to see my pick), my choice is…

The Princess Bride by William Goldman


That’s right, The Princess Bride! It’s got fencing, fighting, true love, strong hate, harsh revenge…well, you get the drill.

So, I asked myself – because you know, you routinely do ask yourself weird questions – what makes this high fantasy? Well, it’s not Lord of the Rings or anything, but here is a world that is completely made up with imaginary wars, a magic that plays by its own sets of rules (I’m looking at you, ROUSs and Fire Swamp), and magicians that can be a little eccentric. It may not be the highest high fantasy, but it’s the one that I enjoyed most.

Now, if you loved the movie, you will probably enjoy this one. However, the truth is, you might not enjoy it more than the actual movie. Don’t get me wrong – I enjoyed this book so much, but it’s a lotttttt like the movie and William Goldman has a habit of going off on super random tangents for a really long time. XD But they are entertaining for the most part.

If you’ve never read this story or seen the movie before, I definitely recommend. It’s hilarious, and the setting is wonderful. You won’t be able to stop laughing throughout the book, and the magic in it is magical itself…except for the Rodents of Unusual Size. They’re just wrong. -_-

So, I took another unusual picking for this month, and hopefully it counts? XD I apparently need to get on my High Fantasy YA reads! So, what do you think? What is your favorite High Fantasy read? Let’s discuss in the comments below!

37 thoughts on “Calendar Girls: Best High Fantasy

  1. YES! I love this story! I’ve only ever seen the movie version of this (which was the case with Melanie’s pick this month, haha) and it’s one of my favourites! But I plan on reading the book as soon as possible!

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    1. Lol! Yes! I have to say that the book has everything you loved about the movie and then much more. I totally thought I wouldn’t need to read the book, but it really adds more backstories and more. But I can’t wait to see your final thoughts on it! 😀

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    1. I totally forgot Chronicles of Narnia somehow, but you’re super right now it being a super favorite for high fantasy. The world C. S. Lewis created was amazing. And I have sadly yet to try Lord of the Rings, but I may have to with your rec. 🙂


      1. If you haven’t read The Hobbit, I would read that before you read Lord of the Rings. The Hobbit is also high fantasy, it’s less dense that Lord of the Rings.

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      2. And if you do read Lord of the Rings, I highly suggest reading the one volume bind up. In my opinion, it’s more cohesive and fluid. I strongly advise against reading the three separate volumes.

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  2. I only finally saw the movie for the first time a few years back and I really regret not reading it sooner! This book has been on my must read list ever since but I still haven’t gotten to it. Your post makes me really want to though! Maybe I’ll make it my next pull from the public library. Or try and get an audio book of it on audible.

    I went for something unexpected too I think:

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    1. Yes! I literally watched in throughout childhood – which perhaps wasn’t the smartest decision on my parents’ part. XD But it really is worth a read, because it does take you on a different ride although a lot of the plot is the same. But he does add stuff and his little add-ins are hilarious. I think an audiobook version of this could be hilarious too. XD


    Confession: I’ve only watched the movie. I didn’t even know it was based on a book! Shame on me…But I’m really hoping to pick it up one day.
    I have not read Lord of the Rings either….but considering I have read the Chronicles of Narnia and since Tolkein and Lewis were such great friends, I feel as if I am one step closer to reading LoTR! LOL There is so much fantasy to explore Mandy, so many that I can’t list them all or know of them all! There are so many worlds to explore and adventures to go on! I’m just happy the genre exists!
    Lovely post!

    *sorry but that’s my favourite line hehehe*

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    1. LOL, Omigosh, yes. XD The movie is sooooooooo epic, though. The book is a lotttttt like the movie except it goes off on weird tangents. XD But if you do pick up, pick up the illustrated edition because it’s so cool.
      And it does seem like a daunting task to start LoTR. But I’m so ashamed, Rendz, that I forgot to add in Narnia for this one. I just always put it in the category: Narnia. XD It’s not high fantasy or anything, just Narnia. XD Do you prefer high fantasy or just the regular kind?
      But thank you. I just binge read the Princess Bride illustrated edition last night and now I’m just dying to rewatch the movie yet again. XD

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  4. “It may not be the highest high fantasy, but it’s the one that I enjoyed most.”
    Fair enough! I support this XD
    And, I don’t know if I’ve mentioned it before, but I’ve only watched the movie. So far. But I very much plan on reading the book! Especially if I can get that illustrated edition… That would definitely persuade me to read it faster.
    Great post, Mandy! ^^

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    1. Lol, I actually reread it, and I totally realized it sooooo not high fantasy (especially since it’s mentions, Paris, Sicily, Spain, and Turkey), but shhhhhh…they might still allow me to be a Calendar Girl?
      But I really do recommend getting the illustrated edition. Although there are not too many pictures, it really adds a super nice touch to the read and I mean, PRETTY PICTURES. It really is worth a read, though…once you get through the massive TBR. XD

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      1. I’ll keep your secret, Mandy! Mandy the Calendar Girl will remain as is ^^
        Hahahaha, my TBR’s so massive I probably won’t live to finish it XD
        So might as well take this one add it to it and make it bigger. Because why not? XD
        (My logic is flawless)

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  5. Oh, dude! This is an AWESOME choice! 😀 I LOOOOOVE this movie and own it. Though, I don’t watch it that often because it’s so gosh darn long. Still, I can imagine this would be a great book, and I totally get tangenty authors. I feel like that is far more common in high fantasy for some reason. I mean, look at George R. R. Martin. He is practically the King of Tangents. So, if I can make it through his books (albeit it takes me a couple months) I’m sure I could make it through this one (especially since I love the movie so much!) Great pick! 😀

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    1. YES! And yes, it definitely keeps a lot of the same elements, so it ends up working out to be still a pretty good book. And lol, that is so interesting, but I totally could see that. Maybe because you’re so invested in the world you’re more willing to listen to tangents? XD But yes, you’re more conditioned to it by now with him. XD But thank you!! 😀

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      1. I hope it’s not too similar to the movie. I like when books have a little something that couldn’t for in to or was just left out of the movie. It offers an indivuality to each one. (Unless the movie was just bad. 😜)

        Haha! I think after a while I started skipping some of the tangents in GOT #3. I didn’t need to know all seven courses of their meal. So, who knows how I’ll do with future tangenty books.

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      2. There is a LOT of similarities, but it does stretch a bit in parts. They pay a bit more attention to the history of each character and the beginning is really stretched on how Buttercup comes to be Prince Humperdink’s bride. So, there is some cool bits like that. And LOL, so true. XD And oh gosh, no, I don’t think you need to know even four courses of the meal. XD

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