Liebster Award Part 2


Happy Tuesday, everyone! Tuesday = book day, and there are two book birthdays out today that I actually read and reviewed before the big day. Blood Rose Rebellion and Myths of Mish are out today, and you can click on the titles if you’re interested in seeing my thoughts on them on their birthday.

Now, onto the reason we’re here today – I was nominated for the second time for the Liebster Award by the wonderful Kester over @ LILbooklovers. Kester shares the blog with some wonderful blogging friends, and it is full of epic author interviews, great reviews, and so much more. Check out their blog here – it is so worth a look!


1. Thank the person who nominated you and answer the 11 questions they’ve written for you.

2. Nominate 11 people and give them 11 different questions to answer.

1. Have you ever read a book that made you cry? What was it?


I rarely cry over books. Occasionally, I might tear up a tiny bit, but I have never fully cried from a book. And I have no clue why since books play with my emotions all the time – where I go from super hardcore feels for people to anger over something. Geekerella by Ashley Poston actually got me to tear up recently, though.

2. What do you eat or drink while you read or write?

No! I don’t do either. I get so worried about dropping something or anything rubbing off on my precious books or computer when I’m reading/blogging. I don’t trust myself not to skip or smudge.

3. If you were in charge of making a soundtrack for a movie adaptation of a book, what songs would you choose, and which book would it be?

When I used to write, I would make soundtracks for my books…and then I realized I was kind of horrible at it and that after five hours, it wasn’t worth my time since nobody would ever read it. XD SO since I kind of suck, can I just cheat and say the book, Roseblood by A.G. Howard and the soundtrack would be Phantom of the Opera. 😉

4. What is one thing about book blogging you love and one think you wish could be improved?

The blogging community is seriously so amazing! I have met so many amazing people here, and everyone just gets it – the feels, the fangirling/fanboying, everything that not a lot of “real life” people don’t anyways get. One thing to be improved? Time. I wish there was more time for everything since it does take a lottttt sometimes.

5. What book is your most anticipated book that is releasing or has been released in 2017?

It always changes, and THERE ARE JUST SO MANY. Two of the ones that I’m begging for right now are: A Court of Wings and Ruins by Sarah J. Maas and I Believe in a Little Thing Called Love by Maurene Goo!

6. Out of all the books in your collection, which one do you prize the most?

ps i like you
Credits to Point

Hmmmm…I do love all my books equally, but my first ever personalized book by an author I lovedddd (lol, actually ONLY one), was P.S. I Like You by Kasie West, so it’s kind of like the unicorn of my collection.

7. Who is an author that lives in your state (or country if outside the US) that you love his or her books or are looking forward to reading?

I actually don’t know of any authors that live in my state. D: Which probably explains the lack of epic events. Soooooo…for the U.S., can I say Marissa Meyer?? XD I’m just claiming it.

8. If you could travel back in time to meet any author and ask that person one question, who would it be and what would you ask?

Oscar Wilde! And I would ask, how do I even become close to be as witty as you? Because his wit is insanely amazing.

9. Who are some bloggers that you’d like to meet in person?

There are too many! I have met so many amazing bloggers out there in the blogsphere!

10. Do you have a favorite musical? What is it, and what are some of your favorite songs?

Does Phantom of the Opera count as a musical? I’mma say it is and go with that. XD “All I Ask of You” and “The Phantom of the Opera” are soooo amazing from it.

11. If you could live in any book world for a year, which book would you transport yourself to?


Princess of Tyrone by Katie Hamstead! I loved the combo of old school fairytale land and also super scifi. I would get the past and future at the same time…and some epic fairytale retellings.

Thanks so much to Kester again! These questions were so much fun. Since I just came up with 11 questions the other day for the Sunshine blogger award, I’m going to steal them again (since I still do have a lot of 11 question posts coming up), and then nominate some new people! I wouldn’t be doing 11 since there is a lotttt of posts I’m behind on and have to tag for that. XD As usual, feel free not to do it if you’re not interested if I tag you:

Tag…you’re it!

Ryann the Reader / Kyera’s Library / A Dreamer’s Library / Panic at the Bookstore / Flexi Reads

My Questions

  1. If you had to sort your own personal library, how would you do it – color, author, another way?
  2. How important is a cover on a book for you?
  3. What made you choose blogging – not Youtube or etc. but blogging?
  4. What Princess (or Disney character) can you relate the most with? IF you don’t watch much Disney, what fictional character period can you?
  5. If you could only have one song as mood music to reading, what you choose?
  6. If you had to have your favorite meal – sans arugula of course – what would it be?
  7. Do you have a favorite time of year? If so, when is it and why?
  8. What was your last binge watch/read?
  9. What was your favorite story (folktale or fairytale maybe?) as a kid?
  10. Do you discuss books with anyone in real life?
  11. If you could meet your favorite author, who would it be and what one question would you ask them?

What do you think? What are some of your answers for this? Let’s discuss in the comments below!


Inej made it to the final round of Book Madness – trust me, I did not see that coming, and I can’t think everyone that helped her get there enough. You’re seriously the best, and maybe say hello to her again one more time? And then you’ll never have to have these weird little messages again for me at the end…at least about Book Madness…for this year. XD You can vote here for the final round, and check out my original post here. Thanks so much again!

51 thoughts on “Liebster Award Part 2

  1. You have a personalised copy of the book, that’s so cool, I would love to own one myself too someday but congratulations! And I never eat or drink while reading or writing too, I just don’t get drinking and reading lol, I do that sometimes but most of the time I don’t want anything to distract me or staining my book. Your questions are really interesting, I’d love to answer them, thanks for tagging us:) -Avi

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes! Only the one, but I’ll take it. I’m sure one day a personalized book will come for you! Hopefully! 😀 And I super agree about the thoughts of staining or distracting. If I do have to drink, I’ll set the book down to go get a quick drink and then go back. It’s too scary. XD But can’t wait to see your answers! 😀

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  2. I have three personalized books! And the Disney princess that I am most like is Belle. Every time I take the Oh My Disney character quizzes my result is always Belle.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Okay, that definitely sounds doable! Yay! Can’t wait to see all of them. And I’m not sure. I created my list yesterday and I’m not completely sold with it? I’m actually rather caught up on all my ARCs for Netgalley and I’m trying to figure out if I should go on a binge or stick with tackling my actual physical TBR. XD

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      2. Lol, but watch me totally get approved for all of those things I did a million years ago just because I said I was caught up. I still have a few to do but the earliest one isn’t due until the very end of May so I can take a second with it. XD But thank you – the same since all my book recs are coming a majority from you nowadays (wow, that sounds like a total amount of pressure but lol, noooo XD)

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Hahaha! Isn’t that what always happens?! Just when you’re at 80%. At least for me. LOL. Hahaha, I’m honored that the majority of your book recs are coming from me. That just fills my heart with happiness! I am excited to see what you decide to read though. It’s so hard to choose these days with all the amazing books coming out!

        Liked by 1 person

      4. Lol, yes! They’ve done that for me quite a few times. It’s like you get so excited…only to have five more books all due to be read for the next two weeks. And yes, you are definitely doing your job as a book blogger. 😉 And it really is! I can’t decide if I should tackle an ARC, a recent release, or one I’ve wanted to read for a while because I keep getting distracted by new books daily. XD

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      5. I ended up going with The Winner’s Kiss. I remembered reading it foreverrrrr ago, but I literally can’t remember a thing except the names and the ending. Everything else? A total blur. So I’m in the middle of the binge, and then I just got A Crown of Wishes so everything on my TBR has gone out the window. :O Have you read that yet? I couldn’t remember.

        Liked by 1 person

      6. Oh, I LOVED that book. I haven’t finished the rest of the series though! Have you? Hahaha. I love it when you get an ARC you’re dying for, and it’s just like, see ya later TBR! I haven’t read it yet. I can’t wait to hear your thoughts!

        Liked by 1 person

      7. I haven’t! All those years ago, I read the first one, but I somehow never finished the rest of the series? And I literally have no clue why because it’s so good. It was probably back when I didn’t follow book releases and such and never realized the second book ever came out. XD But I plan on reading the second one sometime this month…and now I need to order the third one. XD But lol, yes! I was planning on reading 13 Reasons Why next but I’m like, no, I need Roshani. XD What are you reading right now?


      8. That’s exactly what I did. LOL. And not for any good reason, I loved that book! So again, we’re book twinners! LOL. I do want to finish that series this year, but we shall see! LOL. I’m starting Royce Rolls tonight. Super excited about that one.

        Liked by 1 person

      9. LOL. We are really sharing a book mind now. XD But yes! Hopefully we both can and don’t end up twinning out on this. And ooooh that one looked really good too! Can’t wait to see what you think! 🙂

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      10. Yes, hopefully April can make up for it!! 😀 And oooooh I’ll have to check out Literally. I feel like I keep thinking about it, but I keep forgetting to actually go check it out. XD


  3. Thank you for tagging me! I love all of the questions you asked, I can’t wait to get to it!

    And YES! Phantom of the Opera love!! Whenever I had my friends over for girls’ night (or if I was sick and my dad was taking care of me) we’d alternate between Phantom of the Opera and Beauty and the Beast and all sing the songs as loud as possible!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hahahaha omg two epic music filled movies and full of songs. It could definitely cheer up anyone from being sick. I’m going to have to try this for a next girls night. XD but can’t wait to see your answers!!

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  4. Great post! If Geekerella made you guy it will most definitely make me sob! I can’t wait to read it. Still not on this ACOTAR band wagon but I will be soon…hopefully 🤣 You live in the same country as our Queen! (So cool) I live just up north. Hopefully she comes up here one day, I might not be able to control my fangirlingness. Phantom of the Opera is really popular with you…I reallyyy have to see it!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yesssssss, Rendz, it will be amazing. I seriously can’t wait for you to read it. Well, both Geek and ACOTAR. Just all of it. XD and Ik! If only the queen was closer and made her way over more like my state and your part of Canada. XD but stillllllllll. And lol yes!! I’ve become a total Phantom fangirl overnight apparently XD

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  5. I loved your answers! They were great! I’m glad you had fun with them! And Phantom of the Opera is great- I haven’t watched the musical yet but I love listening to songs like Angel of the Night and Phantom of the Opera! (That’s fun to sing! 😉 And definitely, the book blogging community has some great and amazing people! There needs to be more time. Also, I claim Ruta Sepetys in my state! Honestly, you have to live near either Nashville or Memphis (mostly Nashville) to go to book events… And I live 2 hrs away from both of them! XD


    1. Thanks so much, Kester! And oh just wait to you see the musical, because it’s just aMazing. So haunting. But lol they are super fun to just belt out. Lol lucky!! Ruta is such a talented writer (I just picked up Salt to the Sea with your rec!), but super sad that stuff isn’t close. They do the same to me if there is actually ever a book event. Way too far.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You’re welcome! And I do need to see it!!! There’s so many musicals I need to go see! And yes, she is amazing! TN has a lot of great authors- we have THE Victoria Schwab, for real! (I want to meet her though!) And yes, I wish I lived closer to book events! Authors always visit on school days! 😂

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Yes! I’m just starting to get into them more, and it’s insane how many good ones there are. But ooooh, you win XD have you read any of her books? But they really do. Always on Monday’s it seems.

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  6. Congratulations, Mandy! 🙂
    I actually cried a bit with Geekerella too (probably in the same parts you did, it was just so heartbreaking!) but forgot to mention it in my review. Ugh.
    And I see you have a lot of love for Phantom of the Opera! It’s been years since I’ve watched it (the movie, not the musical unfortunately) but I think I enjoyed the songs quite a bit too, even though I was not a fan of the actors’ voices.
    Great post!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Was it right before part 2? Because the feels were really rough then. XD And lol, I always think of things I could add later…like three weeks after the post and literally no one would care. XD
      Lol, I do. I accidentally got into it last year because of my grandma. And it was her mission to make me into a little Phantom lover, and she succeeded. The movie is quite interesting, but the musical is definitely in a whole different game. The feels, the emotion. It’s just insane.


      1. Well, it was basically every time Elle’s parents were mentioned, or when she got super passionate about her fangirling and no one cared, and then when stepmom and sister were incredibly mean to her. It just broke my heart! I mean, I knew it was coming because it was a crucial moment in the original Cinderella but I still got super emotional!
        I told myself this book was not going to be sad at all and was proved wrong hahaha Which was awesome!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. YES. I know what you mean. I kept thinking…maybe that one time it won’t be as emotional. It’ll be fine. You don’t get upset about books. And then I failed. XD Do you like emotional books?


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