The Princesses Read: Alice

Each Saturday, I will be showcasing a lovely Disney Princess (or when they run out, some other Disney leading ladies and more) and showcasing what they might be picking up if they were reading YA today. It will be based off their likes, interests, personalities, and their storyline. At the end, I will also feature a book that the Princess would NOT be picking up and a section of books that are based off either the plot or original princess fairytale. Check out more info here on my original post! We’ve done Tiana, Belle, Jasmine, Rapunzel, Moana, Snow White, and Mulan so far!

Well, after last week’s tiredness, I am back – and doing something a little bit different. Originally, my plan was to do all the princesses out the way first and then work through the rest of the Disney heroines (anyone interested in villains too, lol? XD), but after an idea by meltingpotsandothercalamities (um, please check out her blog because she has the best information on webtoons, awesome book reviews, and super cool, original tags) to try out a YA heroine this week, I decided to take a break from the Princesses to showcase another Disney heroine…

Alice in Wonderland!

Okay, the truth is I’ve never been a big Alice in Wonderland fan. I’m still not. I don’t know what it is – maybe it was just a touch too whimsical for me? But Alice has stolen away many people’s hearts for that reason. Wonderland is a fantastic world, and Alice? A dreamer at heart, curious by nature, and courageous by choice. She’s intelligent (although, really, you drink the thing called drink me – it’s a little sketch sketch); she’s kind; and she fights for what she believes in.


vassa-in-the-nightVassa in the Night by Sarah Porter

I haven’t read this yet, but I get some major whimsical and artsy Alice in Wonderland vibe. I totally feel like Alice would love, love, love it. It’s part fairytale, part full of whimsy and craziness. Plus, I mean, there are Babs Yagg, head of the convenience store who likes to behead people…doesn’t this kind of sound like a certain “off with my head” lady? I think Alice would totally feel a kinship with Vassa. Plus, I mean, the color scheme is totally Alice.

six-of-crowsSix of Crows by Leigh Bardugo

If you think the world of Wonderland is colorful and unique, meet Ketterdam and the rest of the amazing world Bardugo has created in her Grishaverse. It is a lot grittier and darker than Wonderland, but it is complex, full of magic, and gorgeously done. Trust me, Alice will be enthralled with this wonderful setting, and I’m sure she will enjoy the characters and intriguing plotline. Plus, it really does get as tense as it does with Alice in the court scene. Plus, can’t you see Kaz’s scheming face a bit like the Cheshire Cat smile? Or the Wraith disappearing just like the Cat?

this savage songThis Savage Song by V. E. Schwab

It seems like an odd choice, but here are a few reasons why: the monsters are complex and beautifully monstrous (just like the creatures of Wonderland); Harker is basically the male version of Queen of Hearts; Alice and August are dreamers; and V. E. Schwab’s is beautiful just like the whimsy of Wonderland. Plus, I feel like the Queen of Hearts would fit right into the city of Verity.

spelledSpelled by Betsy Schow

This book is crazy – basically this is Wonderland if we were all smoking what the Caterpillar was on and ended up in Oz. This world is kind of insane, but in such a cool, fun way – just like Wonderland. It has its own unique characters full of mischief and trials and crazy queens. Alice and Dorothea are both determined to make their own fate and are dreamers at heart. They both take on courageous journeys, destined to make their way back home. And their lands? Totally insane. Crazy queens? Yes and more yes. Alice and her would totally get along.


heartlessHeartless by Marissa Meyer

No matter how kind Alice is (she isn’t Snow White after all), I’m really not sure that she would pick up the book of the lady that screamed, “Off with her head” multiple times…especially with that ending. Heartless is the backstory to the Queen of Hearts and how she got there, and while I’m sure Alice will be intrigued, I’m not sure she would really enjoy reading all the dark parts of the Dinah’s past.



ya in wonderland

There are a TON of Alice in Wonderland retellings out there. And really – I do mean a ton. YA and basically all of adult fiction loves them some Wonderland. Click here to check out more! I’ve only read Queen of Hearts by Colleen Oakes and Heartless by Marissa Meyer…both of which aren’t even about Alice. Oops.

What do you think? Are you an Alice fan? Do you think Alice would read any of these? What else do you think Alice would pick up? Let’s discuss in the comments below!

52 thoughts on “The Princesses Read: Alice

  1. I’m not an Alice in Wonderland fan either. It was too frightening and weird for me when I was a kid. Alice and Wonderland and Peter Pan were the two childhood classics I could not get behind whatsoever.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes! I super agree – I had the same feelings. Peter Pan was an odd one as well. I don’t think I got super behind it as well. But you’re super right – they’re the big classics that everyone seems to love.

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      1. There’s a series called Peter and the Starcatchers that I liked when I was younger that’s sort of the origin story of Peter Pan, but yeah, everyone seams to love those two, and I just don’t get it.

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  2. Aw, thanks for the shoutout, Mandy! 😄 I’m really glad to see this post, and I really liked it! I recently got Six of Crows, but haven’t had time to actually start it yet. And I also never really liked Alice in Wonderland, either the Disney movie or the original book. I dunno why about the movie, but the book just made no sense to me. I guess I need a little order to even my most chaotic books. (Like, one of the anime I’m watching now is crazy, but not as much as Alice!) And villains? Hmm, that’d be interesting…🤔

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Absolutely! ❤ You totally pushed me to do something a little different. 😀 And oooooh, I'm super intrigued to see what you think of it. 😀 And yes! I think that was the same issue that I had with it too. It just seemed like lots of things were happening with no real order?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. 😄. It worked out! This was really cool! And I’ll let you know what I think! I’m currently reading One of Us is Lying (So. Addicting), and I’ll let you know what I think of that too! Well, the book to me was just random words formed into semi-coherent sentences. I just couldn’t understand a word of it, and while I like the concept and character types, I can’t like the source material.

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      1. I really like it. I love August! I love Kate too, even though she starts out as kind of an anti-heroine. Schwab just creates amazing characters. And I love the different kinds of monsters.

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  3. I would love to see this continue with villains! As one of the people who loves Alice, I really enjoyed this post. I’ve read a number of retellings (and watched a few versions as well). I quite like Marissa Meyer’s Heartless, but I feel like Alice’s inherent curiosity might make her unable to stop herself from picking the book up. She just questions and explores everything – but I can also totally see why she might not want to be around the wacky lady who beheads people any more than she has to, even in a story.

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    1. Ooooh, okay, thanks, Kyera! Do you have a favorite retelling? I feel like I need to read a few more. and I was torn about that one – I could see that reasoning as well. I felt the same way with Snow White, but I couldn’t quite tell with Alice. Totally see it, though!

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      1. That was the first one that I read by her, and I thought that it was really good. Her retelling of that story was super intriguing as well. I wanted to compare it to her Wonderland version so you’ll have to let me know when you eventually read it. XD

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  4. I’m not a big Alice fan myself… I don’t know, it just always felt waaaayyy too weird for me hahaha
    But I do agree with your choices! Poor Alice would not like Heartless at all, nuh uh
    I didn’t know there were so many Alice retellings though! People do love her a lot, I guess XD
    And yes to villains!! YES, YES, YES! I’d love if you could include them in your next posts. They’d be awesome.
    Princesses are lovely, don’t get me wrong, but you’ll eventually run out of them… And then what? NO MORE MANDY’S PRINCESSES READ TAG?? I REFUSE!
    So yeah. Villains.

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    1. I sooooooo agree, Sophie. just to odd.
      But I didn’t know that either! I was like…I knew of two, and wowzas. So many. I wish they would do this with pirates? 😉
      Ahahahahaha, you’re the best, Sophie! ❤ Okay, it's a for sure thing happening then! 😀


  5. Never been a big Alice fan, I watched the live action with Johnny Depp but have never watched the Disney version. It still isn’t my fave but I totally get why people love the whimsical world it is set in. (Plus I loved Heartless so I can totally see the whimsy in it) I think these are great picks for Alice, I mean she wouldn’t pick up Heartless by Queen Meyer so she really is missing out on the majesticness *thats not a word* that is the writing of Marissa Meyer!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I so agree. Although I was the opposite (I never made it past like one scene in the live action one…and I don’t remember much at all from the Disney one so it’s kind of like I haven’t seen either?). But I super agree. My friend loves it for that reason. But yayyyyyyyy! Super glad you think so. 😀 Maybe she will pick up Cinder? I’ll book push it at her. XD

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