Black Cat Blue Sea Award Pt. 2


It’s time again for the cutest award to arrive on the blog atmosphere! LOOK AT THE KITTY IN THE SHIP. IT’S SO CUTE.

I would love to thank both The Book Cover Girls and Joanne @ YA Guitarist for the nomination! Both of them have lovely blogs filled with great book reviews, book tags, and so much bookish fun! Check out The Book Cover Girls here and the YA Guitarist‘s here.


  1. Anybody nominated can nominate eight other bloggers.
  2. The nominee answers three questions posed by the nominator.
  3. The questions you ask while nominating can be any three questions.
  4. If any of the questions asked are offensive or the nominee simply does not want to answer, the nominee does not have to answer them to earn the award.

The Book Cover Girls’ Questions

If you could bring any fictional character to life who would it be and why.

Thorne from TLC! Although if he was real, my heart probably couldn’t handle it. He’s just so swoony, and I just need his comedic genius in this world. XD

What is the one book that you have reread more than any other? How many times have you read it? Why do you always go back to that one?


Huh. I do a lot of mini rereads on certain books I adore. The one that I always seem to come back to the most is Grave Mercy by Robin LaFevers. The swoons and feels between Duval and Ismae always get me, and I just love the whole concept of this book.

If you could only read one author’s work for the rest of your life, which author would it be? Why?

Oh gosh, that’s hard. I have three authors that I just adore, and you want me to choose? Oh gosh, ugh. How about a tie? It’s better than three, right? Ugh. It would either be Marissa Meyer or Simone St. James. Meyer is the queeeeeen of YA retellings and basically all of YA for me, and St. James just writes the best adult novels. They have ghosts and mystery and romance. The feels!

Joanne’s Questions

– What is your most anticipated book release in this year?


Oh gosh, there are farrrrrrrrr too many. The biggest right now would probably be I Believe In a Thing Called Love by Maurene Goo. I’ve seen so many good reviews for it, and it just sounds like the cutest!

– What character, in a novel, are you able to relate to the best?


I always fail at coming up with a character that’s like me. XD However, recently, I think Kate from Operation Prom Date fits pretty well. She totally understand the fangirl life and how it feels to ship so hard.

– What is one of the worst reading slump you have been through?

When I first started upper grade school, I would go for a longgggg time without reading. I mean, I would just pick up a book during the summer and then binge read throughout to make up for it. It would go for a long time. However, that’s not really a book slump. Probably the one where it took me four months to read one book? XD

Thank you so much to these lovely bloggers for the nominating/tagging me! I really appreciate it, and make sure you check out their wonderful blogs!

Tag…you’re it! Again, in the most polite way possible and if you don’t feel like doing it and/or have already done it, feel free to skip since I wasn’t sure if you did tags or not!

Charlotte Annelise / Bella Blogs Because Books / Kyera’s Library / bookishdiana / meltingpotsandothercalamities / Books and Mirth / It’s a Reader’s Life / Not So Modern Girl 

My Questions:

  1. If you could frame one book cover as a work of art, what would it be?
  2. Suprise! There’s a book on your doorstep. What is it and why?
  3. If you could set a book in any setting, what country would it be and why?

What are some of your answers to these questions? Let’s discuss in the comments below!

55 thoughts on “Black Cat Blue Sea Award Pt. 2

      1. YES. It looks so cute. I’m so pumped because in that pre-order I did, I did When Dimple, I Believe, and the Hundredth Queen all coming, and I don’t think I ever made a smarter purchase. XD I felt so accomplished after I pre-ordered, lol. And you saw the pre-order goodies, right, for Dimple?

        Liked by 1 person

      2. That is an excellent preorder haul! Yes, I submitted my order confirmation the other day. Yay! Sara B Larson also had as a really fun preorder going for Dark Breaks the Dawn you should check out if you haven’t already.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. It’s true! I hope I was one of the first thirty, so I can be entered to win one of the super cool swag giveaways. I’d REALLY like that crystal swan necklace. <3<3<3

        Liked by 1 person

  1. YAYAYAY! I would love to bring Thorne to life! *chants like a maniac* I really need to read the His Fair Assassin’s series don’t I? *Bows to Queen Marissa* I will read anything and everything you write! So many books I need to read!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *TBR topples over Rendz* Lovely answers Mandy!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. YOU DO, RENDZ. The first bit is a tad boring, but once you get into it, it gets so good. There are so many feels and Duval is a bit like Thorne. A bit, a bit. BUT YES. I had a dream last night that I somehow got her to sign my books but I was so sad when I found it was just a dream and TLC hadn’t been magically signed. XD NO, I SHALL SAVE YOU FROM BEING TOPPLED OVER…after I get out from under my own TBR pile. XD But thanks so much, Rendz!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. HAHA I NEED MORE THORNE-LIKE CHARACTERS IN MY LIFE! I’ll take this Duval person as one of them 😉 I have had dreams like those too! *A dream is a wish your heart makes, right? 😉 * Although not with Queen Meyer though…I have dream of meeting Leigh Bardugo and Marie Lu. ONE of those came true so… Cinderella says….NO MATTER HOW YOUR HEART IS GRIEVING…IF YOU KEEP ON BELIEVING. THE DREAM THAT YOU WISH WILL COME TRUEEEEEEEEEE *in a lovely sing song voice…that I do not have*

        Liked by 1 person

      2. YES. HE IS. But more broody Thorne? I don’t know how you feel about the brood in a love interest, but Duval is a dreamboat. LOL. Ooooh Bardugo is another queen, but if yours came true…I HAVE HOPE, RENDZ. You might not have the voice, but I totally imagined it that way, so it kind of worked? XD

        Liked by 1 person

      3. I LIKE BROOD. BRING ON THE BROOD. I may not be so warm to them at first BUT BUT BUT they grow on me 😉 I also enjoy riding in dreamboats. 🙂 I hope for us all Mandy! We all must get at least one chance to meet the queen! Thank you, my virtual sing song voice is much better than my real one 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      4. Sameeeeeeee. As you said, you really have to warm up to the brood. It’s so…broody that it takes a little time. XD But dreamboats are the best kind of boasts! ❤ And lol, yes! We do! Maybe we can beg her to go to cities near us for the Regenades tour…and make her go on a tour? XD Lol XD

        Liked by 1 person

      1. Yeah!! That’s why I love to read them. XDDD Sometimes when I feel tired and lethargic after a day of work or school, all I need to do is to pick up a cute read and all of a sudden, I am wide awake and fangirling over the characters. XD

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Congratulations yet again, Mandy! You’re on a roll, girl 😛
    “I Believe in a Thing Called Love” sure looks cute… But when it comes to contemporaries, it’s usually pretty hit or miss for me XD
    Again, you are teasing me with Grave Mercy. That book and I need to have a big talk indeed. I need to find out its intentions and if they are true. Because I’m a very serious reader.
    Great post ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thankies. Sometimes, I try. XD
      I know what you mean about contemps. But hopefully this one is a hit, because it looks the right amounts of cute, funny, and SO GOOD. XD *crosses fingers for us both*
      And lol, YES, YOU DO, SOPHIE. I mean, yes, yes. *nods head like a professional person and not a total mess of a fangirl*


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