The Horror Movie Book Tag

I want to start off saying – I hate horror movies. I’ve watched a grand total of one, and it was literally out of the corner of my eye. I can’t do them, because this Book Princess can’t even deal with the lameness that is Ghost Hunters without getting scared. But I can surprisingly handle ghost stories and horror books decently? Decently depends on some books because I still get paranoid as heck.

Anyway, Princess @ The Royal Reader tagged me for her original book tag, and I was so excited despite my hatred of horror movies. She used such creativity for this, and her whole blog is full of bookish fun! Check out her original post here, and check out the rest of her fun blog!

I would also love to thank Olga @ Olga’s Oddish Addiction for tagging me as well! Her posts are always soo much fun, and this was no exception! Check out her post here, and make sure to check out the rest of her blog because it’s hilarious and full of some great YA book fun. 😀

Let’s begin, and let’s hope this doesn’t turn out to be a horror movie!

. The Zombie Apocalypse:

Image result for zombie apocalypsethe-summer-i-became-a-nerd

A book you would save when civilization ends:

Ahhhhhh there would be so many that I would want to be saved! I would probably…ughhhhhhh. I don’t know! This is too hard. I’m so overthinking this. Okay, I’m just going to say The Summer I Became a Nerd by Leah Rae Miller because it is a cherished favorite and it’s the first of them that came into my head.

2. The Vampire:

Image result for vampire coffin

A book you would stake through the heart (in whatever sense):

Bookishly Ever After by Isabel Bandiera always gets me riled up. But I would say that there were a few badly done vampire books after Twilight that did deserve to be staked.

3. The Haunted House:

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A book that still haunts you:

Crooked Kingdom. D: I just keep thinking about how it should have been longerrrrr and the whole forever crying thing. It was evil, Ms. Bardugo, just evil.

4. The Psychological Thriller: 

Image result for psychologist couch

A book with a twist you did not see coming:

Um, see the above for the answer. I thought everything was fine and dandy and then BAM! The forever crying happened.

5. The Creepy Doll:

Image result for porcelain doll

A book that seems innocent but isn’t:


Look at this cover. Does this seem like it would involve a crazy, twisty mystery? Okay, it has an oncoming storm and the word, “missing” in it, but STILL. There’s a ferris wheel! I wasn’t expecting the craziness that happened in this book from the cover.

Also, I really hate dolls.

6. The Monster:

Image result for dark closet

A book you could barely tackle/defeat (in whatever sense):

Um, Kiss Cam by Kiara London. I literally read 3 pages and was like, nope, not happening. And that made me super sad because it had such a cute cover and seemed like an adorable premise.

7. The Comedy-Horror:

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A book with mixed genres that worked (or didn’t):my-lady-jane

My Lady Jane! It was this weird mix of fantasy, Tudor time historical fiction, and straight up comedy. It wasn’t supposed to work, but it did amazingly, and I was so impressed. It was so The Princess Bride, and I would definitely recommend!

8. The (Cliched) Teen Horror: 

Image result for high school

A book you found super cliched/stereotypical:

The Dragon’s Price by Bethany Wiggins. It just didn’t feel like anything new sadly.

9. The Demonic Possession:

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A book so gripping you needed an exorcist to escape it:

Well, my last binge read was By Your Side by Kasie West. I couldn’t stop reading it even though I totally needed to be doing other things.

And 10. The Science Fiction:

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A precious book you would permanently sacrifice to aliens for the good of mankind:

The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer…so the aliens could see how we could kick their butt if they use crazy Lunar mind control. I’m teaching them early on. You’re welcome.

This tag was so much fun, and Princess created such a unique one! Now, let’s pass along some of the tag fun! As always, feel free not to do it if you’re not feeling it or have already done it:

bookbumzuky (I promise to stop hounding you with tags after this one XD) / jannin @ The Book Nerd Dragon (still not forcing me to watch a horror movie) / sophie @ Blame Chocolate / Ava @ Reads, Rhythms, and Ruminations / Joana @ Bookneeders

So what do you think? Do you enjoy horror movies? What are some of your answers for these questions? And do you enjoy book tags – I never know who to tag for these so if you do enjoy them please let me know so I can pass the book tag love along!

48 thoughts on “The Horror Movie Book Tag

    1. Okay, awesome!! I always get scared that Youre like, omg, Mandy, another tag? But I will keep going! And I figured with American Psycho being a favorite, there was a good chance you enjoyed horror movies! So yay, though!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. It changed genres for me every time I watch it. The first time I watched it I didn’t think of it much as a horror, just a creepy thriller. Then a couple of months later, when I re-watched it, it totally freaked me out and gave me the heeby-geebies! I’ve watched it several times since and sometimes it scares me and other times it doesn’t haha, its a shape shifting movie!

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      2. Oh goodness. XD I’m not sure what to do with that now. I didn’t realize how magical it was. I could handle a thriller, but if it keeps changing, lol. It is quite amazing when a movie can do that…so maybe one day. XD

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  1. Oh Mandy! When I saw a notification saying you posted a new blog post and the title has the word “horror” in it, I was like “Hey, did Mandy finally gave horror movies a chance?” But then when I read it, hahaha!! Oh my gosh! I still want you to try horror movies though. I promise it will be fun after all the scare Haha! 😀 This is such a fun tag to read. And please don’t stop tagging me. I love doing tags.

    Oh and you and my cousin share the hate for dolls. It creeps him especially the eyes. 😀

    Annabelle says hi! 😀

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    1. Lol I had to put the disclaimer so I wouldn’t give you any false hope. XD but oh dear. I’m not sure about that. XD but okay, good. I always am scared that I might be tagging a person too much and they’re like, really, Mandy, ANOTHER tag. But I will definitely keeping going!! And lol smart cousin. Their eyes just follow you and nope. And NO I do not say hi to her.

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      1. Haha! 😀 Oh my gosh! I seriously like teasing you with the things you’re scared of. 😛 Well, I like teasing people with the things they don’t like. It’s kind of my way of helping them to overcome it. XD

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  2. YOU DID AMAZEBALLS ON THIS. Standing ovation is in order.👏🏽 I’ve heard a few of the books mentioned here and I will be looking into books like My Lady Jane. What is it about?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh, thank you, Olga! That means a lot. 😀 And are you into the Tudors at all? It basically is in that time period, and the story of Lady Jane Gray who takes over after King Henry the Eighth’s only son dies and is on the throne for a total of nine days before she’s beheaded. However, the authors take over and change the story and add in magic, comedy, and more. It has a very Monty Python/Princess Bride feel to it, and it’s during that Tudor reign and has a fantasy take. It was super good. 😀

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      1. No problem Mandy!💕 I actually am! I wouldn’t say I’m OBSESSED but history has always fascinated me. Oh geez this book is meant to be in my hands! I can’t wait to get my chubby fingers around it and hug it like its my baby.😄Thank you!

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      2. And the Tudor times were SO fascinating. My mom recently got into a lot of stuff about King Henry the Eighth…and totally hooked me too. But yes!! I can’t wait to see your thoughts because I have a feeling you’ll love it.

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      3. Watch when I finish now I’m gonna be seeking for a time machine to go back to the Tudor times! HAHA. Well bless your mom with an ice cream sundae cause your passing the awesomeness to moi. I’ll make sure to add it to my cart!


      4. Watch when I finish now I’m gonna be seeking for a time machine to go back to the Tudor times! HAHA. Well bless your mom with an ice cream sundae cause your passing the awesomeness to moi. I’ll make sure to add it to my cart!

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      5. Ohhh yeaaahh. That’d be super awkward but I can pretend to be a hero and come in with a cape saying, “For Tudors!”😂It would be fabulous in every way imaginable.

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      6. Omigosh you think I can really pull it off? DEAR PEAS I HOPE. I’ll keep it in my mind while trying to be heroic.

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  3. YES! Great post Mandy! CK was killer it haunts me day and night and I can’t stop thinking about it! *cries* It definitely has a killer twist! I really want to read My Lady Jane it sounds great (and the TBR continues to topple over me!) TLC would make the aliens back off for sure! Cinder and her crew kick butt, they would never think they would stand a chance! Awesome answers!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. YES. I’m hoping Bardugo will make up for it in Language of Thorns since my heart just can’t go on. XD And lol it does. XD But I will help you get out! But it really was. I definitely think you will enjoy…when you get to it. XD And haahahah yes! I had to involve TLC somehow, and I thought it was pretty witty. XD But thanks so much, Rendz!!

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  4. Awesome post, Mandy! 💙
    I’m the same as you when it comes to horror. A huge scaredy cat. 😁
    You have my utmost respect and admiration for the huge Lunar Chronicles sacrifice you’re willing to make for the sake of the world!
    Loved reading your answers! The summer I became a nerd sounds like an interesting read. 😊
    Thanks for the tag! I might be extremely late in doing this, so I apologise in advance.
    Great post. 💙

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    1. Thanks so much, Ava!
      I just can’t do it. XD Have you seen any or have you managed to avoid them all?
      And thank you! It will be hard, but I don’t want the aliens to kill us all. D:
      It’s a really cute one! It’s always my go-to contemporary read to recommend. 😀
      And no, I SO get it! A lot of things are going on, but I look forward to reading it whenever it might arrive.
      Thanks so much again, Ava!

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      1. You’re so very welcome! 😊
        I get scared by the trailers itself, so I just try to avoid watching horror. I know I’ll regret it later at night if I ever do watch one.
        I commend your selflessness! You will truly save us. 😉
        Then it must be really good, I will surely read it whenever I can! 😀
        Thank you!
        And you’re welcome again! You really need to stop saying thank you lol 😂

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      2. So very true! The trailers are even freaky. D: So I don’t blame you – I’m the same way.
        Woo! 😀
        LOL. I know. I really have an issue with it. I won’t say it at all in this one! I’m trying to curb my addiction. XD

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  5. Thank you for the tag! I love doing tags, and this one seems pretty cool. A bit difficult to answer tho. I still have to check out The summer I became a nerd! Really liked your answers, especially The Lunar Chronicles… I can’t promise I will be that selfless (a) Kidding! Just kidding, I’ll do my best! … Also, I am so not posting that creepy doll on my post! No no, no way O.O

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    1. I did remember our previous horror movie discussion when doing it so I had to tag you. And sorry for scarring you with the doll. It freaked me out as well. XD I don’t do dolls either. And the Summer I became a Nerd was really cute and fluffy! Ahahaha, it was a bit selfish on my part about TLC so they wouldn’t kill us, but I still wants.

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  6. Mandy, I’m exactly the same! I’m such a chicken XD Peer pressure (but also morbid curiosity) has led me to many things that have left me scarred for life. Yet I still can’t toughen up and get over horror stuff to this day (with the exception of Poe, but I don’t really consider him horror – more like supernatural or suspense)
    Anyway, thank you so much for tagging me for this! I’m glad it doesn’t actually involve talking about horror stuff, otherwise I would probably end up with a blank post hahaha
    I’m so intrigued by My Lady Jane! People rave about it constantly and you just had me at The Princess Bride XD Also, that ferris wheel looks ominous, girl… I don’t know how you could find it innocent LOL
    Another amazing post! ^^ ❤

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    1. Lol omg, me too. Horror stuff is just…yucky. Not pleasing. But I agree about Poe. He’s not really scary, but just kind of morbid and dark in his Poe way. XD
      And lol, yes! XD Have you ever seen one or have you managed to escape them forever?
      And I definitely recommend!! I totally thought they couldn’t achieve The Princess Bride level, but they got decently close. And lol, on second glance, it does look a bit more scary then first thought. Huh.
      And thanks so much, Sophie! I can’t wait to see your answers for the tag!

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      1. Oh as soon as someone realizes I’m anti-horror, they will obviously try to expose me to it XD Now, there were times when I absolutely refused but I’ve caved in on a couple occasions when I felt the movies were kind of okay to watch. I’ve also played a couple horror video games.
        The weird thing is I actually have some sort of morbid curiosity that makes me want to watch/play them? But then I always regret that decision? And then I kind of get curious again because I want to know what happens next and how it ends? And end up pretty much going through that cycle a couple times…….
        I’m such a masochist LOL
        Book-wise, I’ve read a few short stories but never whole books. I think that’s as far as I’ll go XD (Not that short stories aren’t scary… Some really do pack a punch!)
        Anyway, I’m really looking forward to this one! Maybe it’ll inspire me me to be less of a whimp hahaha (not likely)

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      2. Oh gosh. That’s never fun. But I’m glad it didn’t scar you too much.
        In horror games, is there a lot of jumping out or is it more kind of gory kind of things?
        And lolllllll. I do the same a bit with that. Maybe it is the masochist speaking. XD
        Have you read that Slasher Boys and Monster Girls? It’s the YA horror short stories collection. I think I read about three and I’m like, nope, nope, not happening. Too scary. XD So I totally see what you mean.
        And ahahah, maybe! But whimps are cool too 😉 At least I keep saying that since I’m one too.


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