April Wrap Up & May TBR

🌈 = LGBTQ+ rep | 🌱 = Mental Health rep |🌻 = POC rep
✨ = Disability, LD, Chronic Condition rep



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Love from A to Z by SK Ali
Emoji Key: 🌻✨
While this one took me forever to read, it was really enjoyable – yes, it had sad and horrible moments since it tackled real life messy issues, but it was ultimately a hopeful story filled with romance and light. It’s a perfect read if you’re looking for fluff with a dose of social issues. 

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A Dash of Trouble by Anna Meriano
Emoji Key: 🌻
This was easily my favorite read of the month – I really enjoyed this one so much! This was exactly what I’ve been craving from my middle grade reads – it was filled with whimsy, heart, and so many happy feels. It’s just so good, and I forever recommend.

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Running by Natalia Sylvester
Emoji Key: 🌻
I was excited to finally read a political contemporary that actually gets political! This book brought on so many real-life social issues, and it was a wonderful coming of age story with so much emotional growth from our main character. The pacing was the only issue for this one.

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Ghost Squad by Claribel Ortega
Emoji Key: 🌻
This was my most anticipated read, and it didn’t end up too badly! I loved the concept behind it, and it was a good classic middle grade adventure with the ghosts. I never super felt connected with the characters, but it was still a good read!



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Spirit Hunters by Ellen Oh
Emoji Key: 🌻
I could not figure out my feelings for this – I think it was mostly because the audiobook wasn’t my cup of tea. It did have a lot of ghostie moments, but there was a lot of bumps in this one for me.


A Dress for the Wicked by Autumn Krause
Emoji Key: n/a
I was super excited for a Project Runway-esque read, but it just didn’t make the cut for me. It wasn’t bad, but it just never gave me that oomph that I needed from it. The writing was easy, but I struggled to connect with it.

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Incendiary by Zoraida Cordova
Emoji Key: 🌻
This one pains me that it’s on the Book Lows. I’ve been so excited for this one, but the pacing was just so slow and it just fell too much into the tropes for me. The world building and atmosphere was amazing, but I wanted more from it.


Finale by Stephanie Garber
Emoji Key: n/a
Buddy read with the wonderful Rendz @ Reading With Rendz – but this book didn’t quite bring the wonder for us. The book had so much potential, but its focus was on the romance – which I was not vibing. And then that endingggggggggggggggg.

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Charlie Hernandez and the League of Shadows by Ryan Calejo
Emoji Key: 🌻
Buddy read with the wonderful Sha @, well, here. It’s Sha. I don’t know if it’s a good sign that both buddy reads ended up in the Lows. I loved loved loved the mythology and folklore aspect here, but it just good – just didn’t bring the greatness that I desired.



fairy godmother’s blessing: We are hosting Give-A-May this month on Twitter, celebrating Canadian and International bloggers.
fairy godmother’s blessing: Sha and I had our first 2020 Princess War!
evil stepmother’s curse: It’s definitely still super uncertain times.

πŸ“Œ Well. It’s another month of self isolation. I’m definitely at an odd place now – like, I’m eager to get out of my house and go places again, but, like, I also have gotten used to it by now, and it’s not as bad? Like, I like sleeping in and not have to spend hours getting ready and spend all the money/time getting to and from work. I’m not sure what I’m feeling – except unproductive, lol.

πŸ“Œ I’ve found so many good news shows – since that’s all I’ve been doing. I’ve found an obsession with the Spring Baking Championship (which forced me to buy a cake despite my butt being on a diet). I really enjoyed the new season of Buzzfeed Unsolved. I’ve also got a 30 day free trial of CBS All Access, and it has so many good shows!! I loved Why Women Kill, Interrogation, and The Good Fight.

πŸ“Œ I’ve fully developed a Disney pin obsession? I always seem to fall in some sort of obsession with stuff, and this time it’s Disney pins. There are just soooooooooooo much, and they’re so pretty, and I keep finding more and more?? I’m overwhelmed, and I keep desiring to shop when I’m stuck here. I’m fully down this rabbit hole like Alice did.

πŸ“Œ BPR has some exciting things happening on our social media pages too. We are doing Give-A-May on our Twitter page, where we are celebrating Canadian and International giveaways. And Instagram – since I’m clearly in the Disney vibes, our theme for the month is all Disney! I couldn’t be more excited for it, and I tried to bring my A+ bookstagram game for it.

πŸ“Œ We will be participating in the #MentalHealthaThon, a readathon that spans the whole month of May focused on mental health.



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This is my current game plan for the month, but my reading habits constantly keep shifting. I’ve been trying to let my mood take me where I want to go, but I’m ending up in a weird sort of slump? I’m going to see if more structured reading will help with it, and hopefully, these will be good! I’m most excited for Clap When You Land.


What do you think? What books did you read last month? Did we share any of the same? 


20 thoughts on “April Wrap Up & May TBR

      1. I actually listened to the whole thing yesterday haha! It was amazing, her writing is so good!


  1. Sorry to see Finale wasn’t your cup of tea! Also sorry to see you didn’t care for A Dress For the Wicked (I think I have that one on my tbr?) However now your making me want to read Love From A to Z!! Great wrap up πŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m with you. I still wake up the same time (I just cannot help it), but I don’t miss taking mass transit. I have not canceled my auto purchase for my monthly train pass though, because I never know, when they will call me back into work. My daughter has soooo many Disney pins. I am sure I have spent a fortune on them, and we have exclusive ones from our Adventures by Disney trips, which are pretty cool. I will admit, they are beautiful and nice to look at. Love From A to Z was an amazing book. I was so happy she did that jump ahead at the end. It meant a lot to me. I hope you love all the books on your TBR. I read Clap When You Land and thought it was incredible.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Agreed. After so many mornings of that time, it just wants to get up and go. And I’m doing the same with my car wi-fi – I haven’t canceled it because I never know when I’m going to be back on the long drive.

      And omg, I totally feel you and your daughter’s pains. I’m in deep, haha! So many pins, so little time and money! But the exclusive ones are so super cool! πŸ™‚

      And YES. It was such a good one, and I thought it was brilliant with the jump ahead. I definitely can’t wait to get my copy!!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Ooh Running sounds so interesting! Thanks for putting that on my radar, because I’m definitely going to be checking it out πŸ˜€

    I definitely understand the feeling of wanting to go out and do things but also kinda enjoying the free time and slower pace of life. It’s weird. Ahh well, at least we can find some good to come out of this whole situation!

    I hope your May is full of good books and wonderful things πŸ˜€ Happy reading!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes!! It was definitely a great read!!

      I know – it’s such a weird time. I’m good with the slower pace as you said, but I’m also looking to the future of rushing out into the world. Definitely an odd time.

      You as well, Margaret!! πŸ™‚


  4. Ah I really like to read Love from A to Z too. I’m glad it was a good read! πŸ™‚
    I agree with the isolation part. I’m somewhat used to it now and it definitely has some perks. If I feel like working in my pjs, I can and probably will do that. But I really wish I could get out of the house more. Mostly because I really want to get new books from the library πŸ™‚
    Happy May!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes!! It was such a godo one.

      Yes! I’ve definitely figured out some of the perks that come with it – pjs included – but I’m so with you on the other front. I just had a bunch of books coming in that I had on hold, ones that I was really excited for, so I can’t wait for that day to go and grab them. πŸ™‚

      You too!! πŸ™‚

      Liked by 1 person

  5. we had exactly the same thoughts on Love From A to Z! i feel really bad because it’s objectively a perfect book—it was just so slice of life that i got bored while reading it. plus, some parts were too cheesy for me to handle πŸ˜‚ though “fluff with a dose of social issues” is the perfect way to describe it! i hope you have an amazing May ❀

    Liked by 1 person

  6. AHHH so glad you loved Love Sugar Magic because that first book is amazing and while I haven’t read the other two, I’m sure they will be amazing too!!! And honestly I feel the same about isolating. I want to go out but at the same time I’m good staying at home. Although my summer semester started and I am just not feeling it….


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