#POLL: Book Blogs VS Book Tube ๐Ÿ‘Š

I know asking this question on a blog is a pretty biased way to start off a poll but here I am, asking anyway. Rest assured that none of your answers will be used to, I don’t know, redefine the book community as we know it.

B O O K   B L O G S

Do we all agree book blogs are awesome? You had better, you’re reading one right now. With a blog you get the visuals, you can scroll through a post at your own leisure, and as a creator, you’re afforded a certain level of anonymity.

B O O K   T U B E

On book tube, you almost jump right into a creator’s life. Consuming material can be a lot easier (consider watching a video at the same time as cleaning/eating compared to reading a post while multitasking). It’s a fact that society is leaning towards getting the info faster with a catchy format, and book tube is a great way to grab your attention and get the facts off the bat. Video format is often > than reading words for many people.

even as … readers, i guess


You can vote as a consumer or as a creator in this poll. (Or both!)



27 thoughts on “#POLL: Book Blogs VS Book Tube ๐Ÿ‘Š

  1. Since I’m a book blogger, I definitely lean toward blogs! Part of me has always wanted to start a booktube channel, but I’m just not good enough at editing and filming for that.

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  2. I love both! ๐Ÿ˜€ Book blogs usually have more information, and I much prefer to read reviews on blogs, than watch on YouTube. But Bootube allows you to “get to know” the creator a little more, the videos feel more personal and also you can do all those fun tags, like “how well do I know my book shelf”, etc.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. I agree with Alex, I am a huge fan of both! I obviously love blogs as I have one of my own. And I agree with Alex that I also rather read reviews on a blog than listen to them. However, I can sit for hours watching BookTube videos. I like that the Booktubers seem to have more outward personality than is obvious on a blog, which makes it appear that they are more personal than bloggers but I don’t find that to be entirely true. I mean I get a great sense of people’s personalities through their posts on here (you guys obviously come to mind, as does a few of my better friends from here). But for whatever reason I also really love Booktube.

    I would really love to create my own Booktube channel one day, but I am just not skilled at editing enough to feel confident doing them.

    PS- I LOVE the redesign :] The background is adorable and the header is PERFECT โค

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    1. Hahaha, oh wow, it’s so true that booktubers (in general) have a more outgoing personality type than book bloggers. I didn’t think of it until now.
      If you ever create a booktube channel, you’re looking at your first sub right here!! I don’t even think editing is a major major factor, since a lot of booktube has a basic backdrop…? (coming from someone who doesn’t watch a lot of videos). At the very least, I know youtubers in general are promoting free use of Skillshare, that website that gives courses on programs… at least one has to be on video editing. I totally believe in you Sam!

      and thank you so much!! I’m really happy with it too. ๐Ÿ˜

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      1. You are SO sweet thank you for saying that :] We shall see what happens in the future! If you are ever looking for Booktube reccs, I’d be happy to share some of my favs with you for sure.

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  4. I enjoy both, and I’ve given thought to starting a booktube, however I know it takes much more time to actually do vlogs (as I have done them years ago). Besides, I think we can all agree that blogs beat out booktube because of the simple fact that you can write up blog posts in your bed wearing pajamas! ๐Ÿ˜€

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oooh, the pyjama aspect is for sure a huge point in favour for me. And no one will comment if you have your hair in a lazy bun every day. And if your bookshelf is a mess? No one will ever know… ๐Ÿ˜… If you ever decide to start up a booktube though, good luck!

      Liked by 1 person

  5. I watch them both but I do tend to check blogs more often than videos. And I also follow more bloggers than vloggers so I cast my vote for blogs.
    I have ‘my own time’ after the kids are sleeping and that’s the only time I have to watch any videos. Blogs on the other hand I can read even if the kids are awake. But often I still find myself sitting on sofa and watching Investigation Discovery rather than booktube or reading a book. For recommendations and such I still lean to bloggers more than vloggers.
    So I guess all in all I do read more than watch. ๐Ÿ˜€

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    1. I fully assumed that vlogs would be easier for multitasking since you can go hands free… but I didn’t consider how other noises could interfere!

      Off topic but I love the Discovery Channel haha. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

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  6. I always prefer to read something than watch/listen to it. Look, I read faster, than those book tubers talk, and time is of short supply in my life. Ha! I knew you redid the site. Looks good


  7. I love both, but I am a blogger thru and thru! For one I prefer anonymity and for another I like the exercise of writing. I do love watching Book tube tho. I used to watch it everyday but the obsession has reduced since then!

    (Also I’m loving the new look ladies!)

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    1. Now that I’m out of school, blogging is the only place where I put my thoughts into a coherent format. UM this is so useful because otherwise I think my brain would be turning to mush? I still haven’t found THE booktube channel to fuel my passions.

      and thank you Rendz!!

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  8. Both! Booktube can be relaxing to watch when I donโ€™t feel like reading, but itโ€™s also more time consuming. Like you mentioned, you can control the pace you go through a blog post, and I like the control! I also agree with the others that Booktube is great for getting to know the creator betterโ€”I find myself clicking on booktubersโ€™ personal vlogs more than bookish vlogs! In short, blogs are fantastic for bookish content and booktube for personal ๐Ÿ˜.

    (Buuut, if I had to choose one as a ~creator~, Iโ€™d choose blogs any day. I like my anonymity ๐Ÿ˜Š.)

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    1. You hit it right on the nose with the strengths of the two modes! I couldn’t agree more than Booktube makes it super easy to get right at the personal, and blogs are chockful of bookish content.

      Maybe a best of both worlds situation is the answer? Though I totally agree, as a creator, I way prefer the blogging world!

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  9. They are both so entertaining to interact with, but I prefer blogs because it is easier to read them in class!
    โ€“ Emma ๐Ÿ™‚


  10. I am trying to get more into Book Tube but at the end of the day, I prefer Book Blogs. I find the engagement a lot better and I find the people … nicer? I think Book Tubers are really nice, but there are so many trolls on YouTube that it kind of ruins it. Seriously, some things they think of writing are just … so rude. With Book Blogs, I find that even people with differeniating thoughts are kind. One of my favourite bloggers doesn’t like a book that I fell in love with. But rather than dissing on my review, she liked how I pointed out things she didn’t necessarily think of. And vice versa.

    BookTube is nice for when I’m cleaning the house or doing repetitive work at work, since I can listen to it. But I still love Book Blogs more.

    Fun poll!

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    1. Thanks for your comments Jenna! I didn’t even consider trolls or the comments on YouTube. You make a good point that YouTube — no matter how hard a creator works to monitor the comment section — isn’t a great place for discussion. Which is such a pity because listening to a video with a good presenter can often incite great conversation.

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      1. I think so too. I wish people would just … I unno, not comment awful things?? There’s never a point. It’s sad because I think YouTube is a great format for discussion and sharing. I hope it eventually gets better, like this community!! โค

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  11. Confession time…I’ve never actually watched any Booktube channels ๐Ÿ™ˆ I really want to though! I follow a bunch of Booktubers on twitter, and I always have a note in the back of my mind to check out their channels, but I never seem to get around to it. For me, I just think that following blogs is so much easier, I can read and interact and comment without needing headphones. For me, watching videos on Youtube is something I do when I have free time, and that doesn’t seem to happen super often.

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    1. Not a single one? Not such a terrible confession, since I’ve only watched perhaps three? since they’ve been linked directly to me. I also follow several on Twitter, but when I go to Youtube, it’s usually to watch other content.


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