The Social Media Tag

Recently Mandy and I were discussing how nobody tags us in book tags anymore. “We love tags!” we said. “Why don’t we get anymore?” Then, unsurprisingly, we came to the conclusion that maybe it’s because we forget to do tags for several months. “That could be it!” we said. “Maybe we could, um, clean out our tag folder?”

Say hello to the Social Media tag that lovely Crystal over at Paper Royalty tagged us in … back in September. I promise after this Mandy and I are completely on top of our book tags and super excited to stay on top of the others you send our way! (*totally doesn’t cross her fingers behind her back*)

INSTAGRAM | a blog with a design you love

Carrianne @ Cuppa’n Critiques. I recently found this blog and fell in love with the pastel colours and teacup theme. Okay, yes, I’m not a tea drinker, but I absolutely want to sip some cocoa while scrolling through Carrie’s blog.

TWITTER | a blogger who could just write 140 characters and you would still love them

Rhiana @ Marshmallow Harmonies. Rhi is so energetic and fun, and the ways she formats her posts transmits so much of her personality. I could read the shortest review from her and get sooo much of her opinion from the way she capitalizes (or usually doesn’t lol) and strikes through and adds in side notes.

FACEBOOK | a blog with a friendly blogger

Rendz @ Reading with Rendz. Rendz is that friend who shows up at every single one of your one-woman plays that not even your parents come to even when you spent all day passing out promo pamphlets, and you can bet she is whooping and clapping and showering you with praises.

YOUTUBE | a blog that keeps you entertained

Kathy @ Books and Munches. Kathy brings all her posts to life (a meme, a tag, a weekly update, it doesn’t matter). She has a way of writing every post like she’s inviting you into her house and ushering you into a chair and filling you in on life and books and then you’re talking and sipping some cocoa and suddenly you look outside and it’s midnight. You’ve been chatting all day. You didn’t notice. XD

SNAPCHAT | a blogger whose updates you can’t wait for

Kaleena @ ReaderVoracious. I read a lot of Kaleena’s posts after following Twitter links and just … never followed … which was absolutely horrible. But I followed now! I fixed the bad! Kaleena has so many amazing guides to help bloggers that have honestly changed a lot of how I blog myself, and I look forwards to all the new wisdom she will share.

TUMBLR | a blog that is very diverse

howling libraries
Destiny @ Howling Libraries. I adore how Destiny keeps track of how diverse her monthly reads were (with emojis). It’s encouraged me to pay closer attention to my own reading list. A blogger who inspires you to do better = a blogger worthy of mention!!

PINTEREST | a blog which is full of creativity and inspiration

We Live and Breathe Books
Sam @ We Live and Breathe Books. Sam is a tour de force! She posts almost as frequently and Mandy and I do … and she’s ONE. PERSON. So yeah, I definitely consider her and her blog a source of inspiration. (and if you think posting often means poorer quality, no way. every one of her posts = amazing and filled with contemp passion.)

Mandy and I nominate all the bloggers we picked to continue this tag and spread the love. (If you want!).

Which bloggers/blogs inspire you?


23 thoughts on “The Social Media Tag

  1. “Recently Mandy and I were discussing how nobody tags us in book tags anymore. “We love tags!” we said. “Why don’t we get anymore?” Then, unsurprisingly, we came to the conclusion that maybe it’s because we forget to do tags for several months. “That could be it!” we said. “Maybe we could, um, clean out our tag folder?””

    HAHAHAHAAHA oh look, it’s me! I literally am notorious for hoarding tags for months on end, it’s almost like a joke now.

    On a serious note, thank you SO MUCH for the tag and shoutout, it means a lot to me!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. *tears up* That’s me your talking about *salty tears start falling*

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I can’t help but feel your motivation to pick me and my blog is all pointed towards my long-ass comments and way of replying in whole books when people only say one line or something.
    [okay, just kidding. maybe I have the tendency to do a bit of oversharing in a way too enthusiastic manner or something. WHO KNOWS.]

    But thank you sososo much for this even though I only saw this now. 😛

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I mean, the massive comments may have a tiny bit to do with it. xD I feel like, when you comment (when you are *able*) you write a message that shows you care about making connections with the person on the other side. What you call oversharing is what I see is your way of bringing people into your world. ❤ You don't blog AT people, you don't post and call it a day, you really bring the reader into your life.


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