Frozen Book Tag ☃️ Let It Goooooo!

It’s getting closer to being full on winter time, and the book princesses would be remiss if we didn’t do the epic book tag for one of the classic Disney winter movies. I’m certainly shocked that this tag has not been on the blog before, so we thought we would keep the princess love going with the Frozen Book Tag. We found this tag over at Book’s Buzz!

“Let It Go”

Pick a book you wouldn’t mind parting with.

☃️ Mandy: Ummmmm, a lot. I have an active dehauling process that I go through every time that I am not the pleased with a book. One that I haven’t been able to part with is Asylum by Madeleine Roux. I wasn’t a fan of it and had to DNF, but it got it personally signed to me, so ya know. Forever stuck with it.
☃️Sha: Oh my, many. I went through a small (and very short) spree where I bought books from the store on-sale section, basing my choices just from the summaries. They were mainly Adult mysteries, and now I’m wholly in a YA mood. I’mma say “Faceless Killers” by Henning Mankell.

“In Summer”

Pick a book that you think should only be read in the Summer.

☃️Mandy: I would have a real hard time imagining myself reading Stay Sweet by Siobhan Vivian in the middle of dead winter. I mean, the warm summer days with no AC and an ice cream cart? Mmmm don’t make me sad because I would gladly take that over the snow.
☃️Sha: “The Summer I Became a Nerd” by Leah Rae Miller. It feels wrong to read any book with the word “summer” in the title *not* in the summer.

“Fixer Upper”

Pick a book that you wish had an alternate ending.

☃️Mandy: The latest one would be Pulp by Robin Talley. The book was really good, but the ending was so lackluster that I felt like it didn’t do it justice.
☃️Sha: “Forgive Me, Leonard Peacock” by Matthew Quick. The ending was so abrupt and made no sense. I didn’t understand what happened. I can’t even say I want an alternate ending — I just want an ending.

Olaf the Snowman

Pick a book that you’d like to give a warm hug.

☃️Mandy: Grave Mercy. Like, I just get so many feels when I read it and like I cried last time for them so I mean, I think this book should be giving me a hug.
☃️Sha: Exit Plans for Teenage Freaks by ‘Nathan Burgoine. I just finished this book and I am in true love. All the characters and the romance and and and

Elsa the Snow Queen 

Pick a book that made you so mad, you just wanted to freeze it!

☃️Mandy: The Agony House. Enough said.
☃️Sha: Dare You to Lie by Amber Lynn Natusch. The protag is super aggressive and rude and a has white hero syndrome and it was just so annoying to read.

Anna and Kristoff

Pick your favorite book couple!

☃️Mandy: Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmm, CRESSWELL. And here I thought that I was going to go through a whole book tag without screaming their name.
☃️Sha: Gavriel and Ismae & Shazi and Khalid, my literal looves.

Anna and Elsa

Pick your favorite sibling relationship in a book.

☃️Mandy: I’M LITERALLY BLANKING ON ANY SIBLINGS IN BOOKS EVER. OMG. WHY CAN’T I REMEMBER. OH NO. All I can think about how Anna and Elsa are messy af siblings.
☃️Sha: The first one that comes to mind (and probs one I enjoyed the most) is Starr and her brothers, Seven and Sekani from The Hate U Give.

Prince Hans of the Southern Isles 

Pick a villain that seemed good at first, but ended up causing a heap of trouble.

☃️Mandy: Octavian. I thought he was the fun crazy but he just ended up being evil crazy in the Heroes of Olympus series.
☃️Sha: One of the characters in Pivot Point! To avoid spoilers I’m not saying the name, but they were super fun and friendly at the beginning and then, uh, turned out to be a murdering drug dealer. Hmm.
Since we weren’t tagged, we wouldn’t be tagging anyone, but feel free to do!

What do you think? What are some of your answers to this? Do you like watching Frozen around the winter/holidays? Let’s discuss in the comments below!


24 thoughts on “Frozen Book Tag ☃️ Let It Goooooo!

  1. I love seeing what books people would change the endings of. You never know if someone is going to pick something lackluster, or something where someone shouldn’t have died, or something where people should have ended up together… So many choices and reasons!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I didn’t even READ this one before bookmarking it to do AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. Frozen book tag? YES!!! Loved y’all’s answers. I do wish there were more siblings in books, I’m ready for that to be a thing.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. The responses to these are GOALS. I love Sha’s attitude to the ending for “Forgive Me, Leonard Peacock” and Mandy’s reaction to sibling relationships. Lovely post!!

    Liked by 1 person

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