Book Burnout? Welp.

Okay, gals and guys, I’m stuck. I don’t know what I’m doing with my book life, and I’m trying to figure out what on the book Earth is going on.

cinderella tag
Cinderella is all like, tell me more, tell me more…erm, maybe not.

Since May has begun fourteen days ago (well, fifteen by the time this will be posted), I have read 5 books. 5. Although I’m really not sure you can count them as 5 because out of 5, I have DNFed 3 and the ones that I have finished? They were unplanned re-reads…not anything I was actually supposed to be reading (i.e. the two review copies I was supposed to be reading or any of the ones that are sitting on Netgalley…or surely any of the books that was on that wonderful TBR I made and set).

So, I was all like, I’ll put all my hopes and dreams in the current book I’m reading because I KNOW, I KNOWWWWW it will be amazing and it’s a book I’ve been WAITING for monthsssssssss. It has to be good, right?

Wrong. I’m not sure if it’s me or the book, but by the time I’ll be finishing it, it won’t be a good review or rating.

SO what do I do? How do I get my good book mojo back? I can’t figure it out if I’m experiencing a book burnout where it’s me and not the books? Am I just in a bad book streak? Do I need to push through it? WHAT IS A BOOK GIRL TO DO?

Have any advice? Please let me know because while I thankfully have read two good books this month, I’m so far going for a fourth bad one. And soon enough the book blog will just be going, well, sorry, y’all DNFed 21 more books and have negative reviews for 10 more, but I did reread Winter and it was delightful. XD

So, what do you do in a bad book streak?

62 thoughts on “Book Burnout? Welp.

  1. I hate when this happens! I’ve been feeling similar – and I think it’s down to an ongoing guilt about not reading the books I’ve been approved for on Netgalley. I’ve just started a relatively easy read that I’ve been looking forward to for a while (and I know I’ll enjoy) to get me out of the slump and it seems to be working!

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    1. Yes! I think that’s the worst part because when you get into this mood, you just want to read everything else that you’re not supposed to be reading. XD And okay, cool, I’m going to have try that then since I know that’s working for you! 😀 Thanks so much for the advice, and hopefully you fully get out of it too!

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  2. Some new things come out this month. Maybe break it by watching Everything everything this Friday, then go to Flame in the Mist book that releases sometime…next week? It’s kind of a modern retelling of mulan, I have an ARC review on my blog. Just try something new!

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    1. Oooh, that’s a cool idea as well. I didn’t think about that, but both of those sound like they could be a cool and different idea. And I’ll have to check out your review! 😀 Thanks so much for the idea!


  3. Take a complete break from reading. After a few days of not forcing yourself, your reading MOJO will return on its own. You aren’t doing yourself – or the books you are reading – any favors by reading while in a slump.

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  4. I’ve been reading a lot of books I haven’t enjoyed lately as well. I believe I have 4 1-2 star reviews in a row. I’m hoping Flame in the Mist will sate my need for a five star read, but I don’t really have any tips since 4-5 star reads a more rare for me than they are for most. Maybe try re-reading an old favourite.

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    1. Well, drats, Moira. D: I’m hoping it will be too!! I’ve heard a lot of amazing things about it so I’m really hoping for you. I think I might try that because at least I know I will enjoy it. XD (Also, I’m rushing over to properly comment on ACOWAR because I finished it last night…and so need to see all of your reasons now)

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  5. Okay. For starters, 5 books is a great amount! I complete approximately a book a week. With a full time job, yoga, running, work Student committee, writing reviews, writing other blog things, cleaning…life gets busy. So 5 books is fantastic! I think a lot of book bloggers feel as though they need to read a crazy amount in one week. For me, that makes it feel like a chore. Then this causes a book slump and I just can’t stand the thought of reading. When I was in high school it was a lot easier, but I still read about 3 books a week unless they were long. Maybe try and slowly come back into reading. You might be different! You may LOVE to read 5 books in a week! But I think it eventually can cause a major book slump after a while. Try a re-read you enjoy, one you know makes you happy. Try and set easy reading goals for a couple weeks; try and read 2 books a week for a little than get bigger. Or, and don’t faint, stop reading all-together for just a week or so. The drive for wanting to read again will come back. Trust me – I went through the SAME thing but it happened during my undergrad studies. The need to read will come back – just take a break and come back slowly 🙂 That’s my advice anyways – whoa, long message! Sorry ha-ha!

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    1. Lol, thank you. And oh dear gosh. That is so much. o.o Major kudos for juggling all of that!! But I do agree – I do feel the need/pressure to be on top and read a certain amount of books. If I’m not reading, it does feel wrong or like I’m guilty or something of not reading. I LOVE your advice, though. I’m definitely going to try that. Maybe slowly ease into it, or maybe not even try reading it at all for a few days and see how it goes (and convince the guilt to go away XD). You definitely gave me a ton of fantastic ideas, and I appreciate it so much!! 😀

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      1. No problem! I don’t have too crazy of a life, but it definitely is busy enough that I can’t possibly read as many books in a week as I used to be able to. If only book blogging was my full-time job…*Sigh*. Every bookworm needs a break every so often 🙂 Good luck!

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  6. This happened to me last summer and the feeling was awful!! No matter what I picked up and no matter how many great reviews it got, I just couldn’t get into it. I don’t have any advice (maybe reread something you really loved and then find something else in that genre?) but I hope your slump passes quickly!

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    1. Oh gosh. Did it last a long time or did it go away soon? D: But glad that books are going better now! Okay, that does sound like really good advice, though, so maybe I will try that. Because I feel bad for those two review copies. D: I don’t want book burnout to be mean to them. XD Thanks so much for the advice, though!! 😀

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      1. It lasted a couple of months for me. I read a few really emotional books hoping that it would spur on an attachment but they ended up falling flat. But once I got out of the slump I wanted to read everything!!!! So watch out when you get back into it 😂

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  7. Reading slumps SUCK. My go to cure is a stupid, cheesy, contemporary novel. Anna and the French Kiss is always a good choice. Or My Life Next Door by Huntley Fitzpatrick.

    If contemporary isn’t your thing, binge a tv show and write about that. Stories are stories, no matter the format!

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    1. Oooooh, okay, I’m totally down for this idea. You’re so right about contemporaries always being a way to drag me out and give me good book feels. I’m totally going to have to do that!! But I love your idea about tv shows too. 😀

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      1. I’m a bit obsessed with contemporaries, so if you ever need recommendations, you know where to find me! And yes! I have a “Netflix Shows I Love To Binge” going up on Friday and I figured it was a good idea to share haha.

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  8. Sounds to me like maybe you should take a break. Get outside and go on an adventure. Take a week off to clear your head and then start again. Perhaps you should try reading a different genre – one you have always thought you wouldn’t enjoy.

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  9. I can understand how totally frustrated you must feel.
    The bloggers here gave some excellent advice. Some of that I’ve stored away for myself for when I had another slump.

    I think it does have to do with sometimes not reading what you want to read. For me it’s like that stubborn little kid that says no I don’t want to do what I have to do, I want to do what I want to do.
    Netgalley and arcs can feel overwhelming. It can feels like they’re all in the room with you telling you to hurry up and read their book.
    I don’t really have much new advice to add. I think that reading something purely for enjoyment and deciding after whether or not you even want to review it can help. Or even just taking a break completely and letting it come back on it’s own.
    Good luck and happy reading or not reading 🙃💖🙃


  10. I’ve only read 4 this month! I started putting together my end of the month post and my jaw dropped when I realized I’ve only read 4 books so far. No DNF’s, but also nothing stellar either!

    When I get in a mood like that I try to refresh by reading a slew of favorites. It’s like a palate cleanser.


    1. Oh, no, Birdie. D: You somehow got sent to spam again. D:
      Oh dear. It’s kind of shocking when you end up reading so low, and I know you usually read quite a bunch more. Glad there was no DNFs but nothing stellar just makes it worst too. And I’m definitely going to try that for the future, since it definitely seems like it would work perfectly! 🙂

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  11. Hmmmm I don’t know what to say other than I’m jealous that you have completed your TLC reread! Book burn outs must suck (although I don’t think I have experienced one before…) Umm I guess my advice would be to read something different. Totally out of your league. Like I would try non-fiction 🙂 If you hate it, you might go running back to your usual kind of books. Ready to find your feels. If you don’t hate it…that means you loved it so yay! I honestly don’t know. Don’t take my advice LOL its bad *shy monkey emoji*

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    1. Ahahahahaha, omigosh, I kind of love that, Rendz, about how I will go running back. Because literally I could SO seeing that work. I get so scared that I have to run back to YA. But it actually is pretty good advice. Thankies!!! 😀

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  12. OH NOOOO! Mandy, what’s happening girl?? YOU NEED TO GET YOUR BOOK MOJO BACK!!
    My goodness, hmm… I’ve been told switching genres helps sometimes? Like, if you’ve been reading the same type of books, try one completely different. And also, maybe you just need to rest for a bit? Get into some other hobbies, do some other stuff besides reading? I don’t know, it could help. I mean, five books in two weeks is a lot! You might need to slow down.
    OR. OR. Re-read The Princess Bride! It definitely won’t hurt and, if anything, at least you’ll be happier ^^ (The illustrated version, of course!)
    I hope you get over this book burnout soon! ❤ Know that you're not alone, hon!

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      Hmmmmmm…you’re the only one that said slowing down as advice, but I think that might have a HUGE factor for why. I feel like I might be rushing to get through these because I want to reach a certain number or something. Interesting point.
      And yes!! But thanks so much, Sophie! You’re always the best! ❤

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      1. Oh, then you definitely need to slow down… I know because I’ve been there! All the pressure to read tons of books, we just end up stressing over it and not enjoying any of them.
        So yeah, best of luck there, Mandy! ❤ I hope this method works… Or that any other method works 🙂

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  13. Ah I know this feeling well LOL. I’m so sorry you’re experiencing it, too 😦 But I have a couple pieces of advice that might work. Sometimes changing up genres help. That helped for me. I switched from fantasy to contemporary for a bit and I started reading in earnest after that. So something new and fresh might jumpstart your urge to read. You can also be really picky with what you read so you avoid books on your TBR that might not live up to expectations. Doing extensive research on some books that might interest you by looking up reviews and reading snippets might help you to avoid DNFing some of them. OR you can just take a break! Watch your favorite shows or invest your time in other hobbies for a bit until you get the strong urge to pick up a book again!
    I hope you manage to get your mojo back soon! 😀

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    1. Thanks so much for the advice! I totally am definitely going to do some of these things. Switching genres sounds like a really good idea, and I’m totally going to do that research. 😀
      Thanks so much, and hopefully you got yours back as well fully!!

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  14. I usually let myself read only when I want to read, because forcing myself to makes it worse. I look for books that I really, really want to read, regardless of whether they’re re-reads or not. I also like to watch BookTube, because seeing other people excited about books makes me excited, too!

    Also, I’d stick to shorter or more easy-to-read books, or graphic novels. 🙂

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    1. Oooooh, that sounds like a really good idea. If I try to force myself into reading it, it’s not going to be good period. And I super like the idea about Booktube, because you’re so right about the excitement.
      Thanks so much for the advice, and I’m so going to take you up on it. 😀 😀 😀

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  15. I’m so sorry, Mandy! It’s so hard to climb out of a little slump sometimes. I say read what you want! Unless you’re already committed to a blog tour, then just forget about the Netgalley ARCs for a second until you get your book groove back. This is supposed to be for fun, and it’s hard to remember that sometimes. But that’s what’s important. Read what you want to read, lady!

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    1. You’re always so terribly wise, Krysti. But I totally see your point. That’s what I keep thinking. It’s supposed to be fun and not just a rut. So I’m totally going to do that, I think! Thank you for saying the things I was too scared/book guilty to do. D:

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      1. I’m totally not! I’ve just gotten into ruts before, and it’s almost always because I’m trying to force myself to read something I’m not in the mood for. You’ll get through it with flying colors!!!

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      2. Ah gotcha (but you are XD). I’m surprised by how many different ideas there are out there that I totally didn’t even think to do. I thought I would just have to sit forever in book sadness. XD But thank you! 😀

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      3. Well, I’m glad you’re getting there. It’s so hard, but don’t let the ARC pressure get to you. Sometimes you just have to read what you want to read. You got this! 🙂

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  16. I definitely agree with Krysti about reading what you want to read, and I too am sorry you’re dealing with a little bit of a burnout. Sometimes taking a break can be a good thing or a bad thing. You don’t want to take too long of a break where you don’t read a book for months, but you also don’t want to take too short of a break either. I hope you get out of your slump soon!

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    1. Thanks so much, Ashley! You said exactly why I was scared to take an actual break. When I tend to break, it’s for longggg periods of time. I think that sounds like a really good idea to just read what I want to read now while I’m feeling like this so I at least get back in the flow. Thanks so much for the advice, and I’m definitely taking you up on it! 😀


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